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Old 10-20-2003, 10:08 AM
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adrockmelanie adrockmelanie is offline
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Originally posted by Echewta
"Crap, that wasn't fun to see at all. Delete your reply too Lenore."
Is what I originally was going to post. Instead, its good that some of you saw that. A reminder of what happens without you knowing it or choosing to ignore it and pretend it doesn't. Take a good look at that "face" and imagine the life that being has. I'm sure they don't "unscrew" him/her so that the end of a hard days work of being poked and tested on, they can goto their bed and wait for the next day. I'm sure the scientist turn out the lights at night so they can go home to their nice place while that monkey/chimp/etc. stays in that position for the rest of its life until it dies.
Defend it all you want or call me a puss but it just goes to show the hole in your heart, not mine.

that's so sad. that picture almost made me cry. that's just awful.
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