Thread: lawyer question
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Old 11-02-2007, 09:47 AM
HEIRESS's Avatar
Join Date: Apr 2003
Posts: 10,117
Default Re: lawyer question

seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you?

I try to ignore you, but it doesnt stop me from wondering what exactly is the purpose of you making comments like this towards me and only me.

the fact that you seem to find joy in the knowledge that I have hardships in my life is just so unbelievably retarded that I can believe I even just typed that sentence.

you berate me for making stupid meaningless threads (which you are just as much guilty of doing) but i thought it was obvious that I do so because alot of times what im actually dealing with in life is nothing that I wish to share with entire world on here. but the rare occasions that I do (such as this thread) you still fucking have to make some lame ass derogatory comment at my expense, therefore making you nothing but a useless hypocrite.

put me on ignore please, as I appear to bother you to no end.
unless of course other people here enjoy seeing you make a childish fool out of yourself daily whenever its in regards to me, then maybe dont.

I dont know why im letting an internet comment bother me this morning, but perhaps its the fact that in the past month ive had my family ripped apart and Ive lost whatever remnants I had of a social life dissolved due to so called "Friends" betraying me over the entire situation im dealing with right now.

Next stop, home ownership! I’m just kidding, the middle class is dying. You’ll be renting forever.

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