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Old 01-04-2009, 06:10 PM
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Default Re: Best movies of 2008

Originally Posted by DandyFop View Post
Okay I watched the Wrestler and it is amazing. Really good stuff. It kinda reminded me of Rocky Balboa, which I thought was a great film.
Cool (love a told you so moment).
I can't make my list yet as I Haven't seen Gran Torrino or any of the other recent end of the year darlings (slumdog, revelotionary road, milk, the one where Philip Seymour Hoffman may or may not be didling little boys- although none of them look that appealing to me outside of revolutionary)

Of the flicks I've seen
The Wrestler was head and shoulder better than anything I saw this year. Period.
but also on the list (thus far) :
The Dark Night (very impressed)
Iron Man
In Bruges (I have to thank paddy for reminding me that I loved this- although it puts me in the very awkward position of agreeing with him)
Thats it off the top of my head- but I did miss Choke which I was psycho excited about and kept not being able to go see- I'm fairly sure it would of made it on this list.

An interesting counter conversation might be best characters of the year, as there have been several VERY impressive performances-
obviously Downey Jr and Ledger and I think my incredible respect for Rourke's Ram is well documented at this point. But I'd like to throw in the cat who played Howling Wolf (can't rember his name and feeling too lazy to google) in Cadillac Records- he was god-damn unbelievable- stole every scene he was in and no one gave a bad performace in that flick (unbelievably not even Beyonce).
That is all for now.

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