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Old 07-29-2009, 07:55 PM
Documad Documad is offline
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Default Re: Blue Dog Democrats

Originally Posted by saz View Post
no i can go see any doctor i want.
You mean if you pay him or her yourself and if the doctor accepts you as a patient? I'm really confused about how it works. If doctors retained freedom of choice then I assume that some doctors don't accept patients on the government plan. And how does it work if everyone on the government plan wants to go to the same doctor? On a basic economic level, how does it work if the best doctor can't charge more? Or does your plan just cover a certain percentage or a certain amount and you cover everything over that so that there can still be price competition?

When I had family living in the UK they couldn't get to the doctor they wanted and they couldn't get the procedure they wanted so they paid a private doctor. It was so fucked up. I have no idea how Canada does it though.
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