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Old 05-16-2011, 06:59 PM
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GrapeApe GrapeApe is offline
Join Date: Apr 2003
Location: Ottawa, ON, Canada
Posts: 102
Default Re: Where is my CD and T-Shirt?

This whole process was bungled from the beginning. The Beasties might want to consider a new distributor next time, Topspin is awful.

I understand having to wait for the vinyl until July but there is absolutely no reason why they can't ship the CD and the other merch separately.

Claiming that providing the digital download was some kind of favor is pretty insulting too. The digital download should have been ready at 12:01 am on May 3 without anyone having to complain. You didn't do anyone a favor.

How can they expect the Beastie's biggest fans, those who shelled out up to $90 for a deluxe package, to wait until nearly 3 fucking months later to get the CD?

Stop and think about that for a second.

I have half a mind to tell my credit card company to reverse the charge due to fraud.

Seriously, Adam, Adam, Mike, I love you guys but these fools are making you look REALLY bad.
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