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Old 09-25-2020, 03:43 PM
dave790 dave790 is offline
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Default Re: Bonnaroo YouTube

I have tomorrow night pencilled in to watch this with a few cold ones, as long as it’s still available!

Great to read the reports. As if there was ever any doubt Mario C would deliver. Am I right in thinking this is first work with the B-Boys in any capacity since 1998?

Also loving the Mike D appreciation. Sandwiched between Yauch (most technically gifted of the 3 and arguably one of the best voices in hip hop) and Horovitz (instantly recognisable, high energy on the mic) he has always been slightly undervalued. But as time has gone he’s probably become my favourite Beastie - his rhymes grew stronger with every record, his delivery is always inch perfect and in interview he is capable of being both goofy and insightful in the same sentence. I also think he was the best thing about the book (unpopular opinion I know). Only downside is he was slightly cold when I met him, but I’ll forgive that given he must have been signing the 2000th book that day and listening to the 2000th person explain how he’s helped change their life etc. Respect to the Jewish Brad!

DIAMOND: He wishes he could be here right now. So do we.

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