Thread: biking
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Old 06-21-2016, 08:43 PM
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Default Re: biking

i started biking and it kind of rules

i was scared of it for a long time because boston streets/drivers are awful, just awful, but i've dipped my toes into the water with hubway (those public short term commuter rental bikes all over the city) and i'm gonna get a bike of my own soon

it's nice because i live 7 miles away from work, which is a good distance for biking and now i can get decent exercise just from commuting

haven't had any "oh shit i'm going to die" moments yet and i've been at it long enough to get some confidence

basically the trick is to know that 99% of cars are going to do their best to avoid killing you (if only to avoid the paperwork) and to just keep your eyes open for the other 1% and ready to dodge
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