Thread: Breaking Bad
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Old 09-02-2012, 02:52 AM
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Default Re: Breaking Bad

Originally Posted by HAL 9000 View Post
If its any conciliation, your friends update unspoiled that scene for me because i didnt notice him fall until I read this and rewatched that bit.
funny that you mention that—i've actually gone and re-watched the scene myself and you're right, it's kind of incredible how much they tried to hide that emotionally powerful moment from the viewer. upon my second viewing, even though i knew exactly what was going to happen, i literally had to sweep my eyes across the screen a few times before i finally noticed where mike and walt were located, tucked behind some bushes in the lower right corner of the shot.

then, thump

RIP mike

kind of the extreme inverse of the minutely-detail-oriented cinematography that the show's been known for so far, now that i think about it. or, a perfect example of it, depending on how you look at it.

either way, i hate my shitty facebook friend, this would've been an amazing experience if i'd been allowed to have it unprejudiced the first time through
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