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Old 02-10-2019, 11:08 AM
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Brother McDuff Brother McDuff is offline
crazy sniffable
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Default Re: Similar music style recommendation

the bboys are one of a kind, of course, but when i think of music that shares a strand of DNA or two with them i think of select Beck records, Rage Against the Machine, Public Enemy, Gorillaz first LP, De La Soul’s first coupla records, Jungle Brothers’ first two, etc. I’d even go out on a limb and say Ween. While not hiphop, theyre from the same school/generation and convey a similar chameleonic dynamism, sparked by a punky, tongue in cheek sense of adventure.

Alt projects by collaborators are always strong avenues to explore too, i.e. other Mario C productions, Money Mark solo work, other Rick Rubin hiphop material, definitely the Dust Brothers body of work, especially from the 90s.

Kid P hit the nail on the head regarding music the bboys directly reference as well. The amount of name-checking and sample sources their library offers is just overwhelming, and now with all the leads offered in the new book, holy cow. could keep you researching for days.

it's just 2 wheels and me, the wind in eyes...

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