Thread: biking
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Old 07-16-2014, 08:42 PM
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Dorothy Wood Dorothy Wood is offline
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Default Re: biking

I fell two times in the past 3 weeks after riding incident-free for a few years. The first was just a dumb topple over because the person ahead of me was too slow and I lost my balance going up a small incline, ended up with nasty bruises, but overall was fine. Yesterday I caught my back wheel in a groove between pavement and a railroad track and got whipped to the ground. I cracked my helmet in a few places, got a lump on my head and a scrape near my temple. Minor bruising otherwise. If I hadn't have been wearing a helmet, I probably would've been knocked out or worse, strange to think about. I rode 5 miles back home and took it easy. Today I feel like I got whiplash, and my hearing and sight are really sensitive. I don't think I'm concussed, but I definitely jostled my brain.

I'll go back out soon enough, but I'm thinking maybe I should get thicker tires because I'm not racing, I'm on very bumpy shitty streets. And also I will not try to hop over rails parallel to my direction. And always wear a helmet! I'd been tempting fate a few times without one lately, it's like the universe was like "fuck you!"

Originally Posted by Freebasser View Post
So wait, this guy is driving around in his jeep with his cat and his television in the back and he's got his favourite music blaring away and... I think I've missed the point.

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