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Old 07-22-2019, 08:39 PM
tuc70021 tuc70021 is offline
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Default Re: New Sabotage Vinyl Bootleg

Originally Posted by mcamuto View Post
For those in NorCal. I called a record shop in oakland and the girl said they arrived last week and they sold out of them this am and claimed they had been selling them prior to today?!!??
Yeah, every record store did this. This is a super first-world problem, but I think this release was kind of a wreck. It really undercut the purpose of record store day. I'm old enough to remember when you had to actually go to a music store to buy music, but that's largely gone now, so RSD was supposed to drive people back to indy music shops. What this did was show everyone that even your anarchist collective record store will sell shit on Ebay/Discogs 100% of the time if it can make then an extra buck (or 50). One can get the feeling that indy record stores aren't even interested in indy record stores anymore.
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