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Old 09-03-2011, 11:46 AM
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TurdBerglar TurdBerglar is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2003
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Default Re: The Animated Gif Thread

a bike path the next town over was put in recently. it's designated a bike path. there's bike path signs at the entrances and bike path signs like every few hundred yards up and down the track. there's a dashed line running down the track to keep people to one side so traffic can go in both directions and to leave room for people to pass. there's always these mothers walking the path with their kids in strollers. they always walk side by side three/four wide. they don't get out of the way when they see you coming and make it impossible to pass them when you're coming up behind them. they're just walking the path gabbing completely oblivious thinking the path is for only them. these broads are just being assholes. they may not realise they're being assholes or intentionally being assholes but they're being assholes nonetheless

these critical mass fuckers are doing exactly the same thing except they're doing it on purpose and it in the streets where people and important things need to move. they're just being selfish dicks.

Last edited by TurdBerglar : 09-03-2011 at 11:50 AM.
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