Thread: MCA Tributes
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Old 05-09-2012, 05:27 PM
CandiceJC CandiceJC is offline
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Join Date: May 2012
Location: SF by way of NYC -- moving back to NYC soon. Yaay!! :)
Posts: 8
Default Intergalactic Brass Monkey - International Event Saturday

Hey Everyone,

Some of us got together and are quickly working our asses off arranging a simultaneous international event for this Saturday called "Intergalactic Brass Monkey Pour For Our Homie" in honor and commemorance of MCA. Yes, no kidding, the event name is that long. Please check out or FB page "Intergalactic Brass Monkey", join the page, sign yourself up for the event and then send invites to all your friends on FB (you may be surprised how many of your friends are BB fans but the subject never came up). We also set up a Twitter account - @Galactic_Monkey you can follow on there and help spread the word to others who'd be interested in the event. Basically post about this everywhere in all languages you know. We don't have much time left to invite the entire galaxy -- We need you!!

Oh, yeah, the page is also a place where anyone can post anything BB and MCA related. One subject of interest is to hear people's best BB stories. Also, there's some debate about which Brass Monkey "recipe" was the one of their choosing. Love to get an answer to that... Finally, we're hoping people record their memorial parties and share them with us to post next week so we can all see each other's faces.

That's all for now, but don't be surprised when I repost about this so that people reading at different times of day have a chance to find out about the event. Feel free to ask me anything you can't find on the page or anything at all...

Peace & Love

Intergalactic Brass Monkey

To answer your question, "JC" are my initials, they have not told me of a religious affiliation...

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