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Old 04-22-2020, 04:51 PM
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Default Re: Pitchfork review

Originally Posted by Brother McDuff View Post
dude doesnt understand the function of documentary. its not an artistic statement, its the conveyance of real events. regardless of the film’s quality, this dude’s expectations are sorely maligned. listen to the records if you want subversive. watch the doc if you want the story.

i haven't read every single review but the pitchfork guy seems to be the snowflake exception to the rest. and you know fuck it anyway and these "professional film critics". to us this band is as much a part of our lives as their own, relative of course and we're looking from the way outside in but know we feel like we know them like family hence my reaction when my bro stopped by to tell me in person about yauch cause he knew what it would do to me. and it did that day. prob no point to this except we'll always look at the book, the show the doc in a much different light than someone with only a passing interest in brass monkey or sabotage, so the reviews are inconsequential at best. kinda like rise of skywalker for me, critics slammed it, i liked it. do i think they made biggly misjudgements in how they handled the sequel trilogy OH HELL YES, but it's star wars so i loved it regardless flaws and all.

thank you adam adam & mike

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