Thread: Remix Contest
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Old 06-20-2006, 10:38 AM
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Joakizmo Joakizmo is offline
Join Date: Jun 2005
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Default Re: Remix Contest

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After investigating many options for the judging, the only one that I've found that is totally hack-proof is to NOT do online voting, Yes I know about the online poll places, and I know about installing polls on the site, I know they say that people will only be able to vote once, they screen by I.P. and use Cookies etc etc... All of these can be easily hacked. I'm not saying I don't trust you guys, but come on, it's a free iPod.

I've decided to take the voting OFFLINE, I have a few friends who are more than happy to be judges, they are not in the scene, and they don't know any of you. Their vote will be final, I will NOT be involved in the judging, just burning off the cd's, handing them the disks and then back to the grunt work around here..

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