Thread: Breaking Bad
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Old 10-22-2013, 05:58 PM
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TurdBerglar TurdBerglar is offline
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Default Re: Breaking Bad

my problem with fantasy is when it seems like there's no rules to their universe. anything can happen just for the sake of continuing the story. it seems like an easy way out. it only bothers me when the story is trying to be taken seriously. it's like... is that all you can come up with?

OH NO WE'RE IN A JAM! *magical/one a billion chance thing happens that fixes all the problems* PHEW THAT WAS CLOSE!

it's like a easy way to fix a problem within a story. if anything can happen then there's no challenge. the writer can just fucking have whatever happen. he doesn't have to jump through any hoops for it to work. he can create his own rules to bend to his needs to make the story work. he just has to make it extraordinary enough to wow people.

and now tv and movies are WAY over the top. especially the ones trying to be the most serious. it's so ridiculous. it's like... look at all these dramatic fucking assholes doing dramatic fucking things. they're just a bunch of assholes that you want to punch in the face! WHO DOES THESE RIDICULOUS OVER DRAMATIC THINGS! just the assholes on tv! there's no realism at all. it's just one absurd predicament the leads to the next absurd predicament. how the fuck can you relate to that shit? it's just really cheesy like 60's batman instead everyone has a serious look on their face.

it all seems very juvenile.
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