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Old 03-28-2012, 11:13 AM
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Dorothy Wood Dorothy Wood is offline
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Default Re: This is why we all cant have guns.

Originally Posted by Turchinator View Post
the us census considers hispanic americans to be white, I'm sorry to tell you valvano.

but your talking point smear campaign has already made its way around the Internet and back. you're a little late.

I don't give a crap who's a registered democrat, republican, or alien for that matter.

I don't give a crap the race of the shooter or the victim.

I don't give a crap about the arrest record or *gasp* high school discipline file of either.

you're just hating all this attention this young kid is getting for being black and murdered and all, aren't you?

do yourself a favor and post the fake photo of Trayvon that isn't Trayvon looking all gangster and don't forget to use the phrase "liberal media bias"

Also, so what if the parents are trademarking "I am Trayvon" or other phrases with his name, if they don't, somebody will.

Valvano, you see, it doesn't matter what race either person was. It was wrong for Zimmerman to follow and confront somebody and then shoot them. Even if Trayvon was walking around with a bag full of stolen jewels and a ski mask. You can't just start a tussle, then shoot the person when they fight back.

All these excuses people are giving for Zimmerman's behavior are more racist than what happened. Basically, the opinion is that Trayvon was an amateur gangsta, so it doesn't matter that his life was taken. Which is a fucked up opinion. By that logic, anyone can just go up to people they find suspicious and fight them to the death. I'm gonna try that this weekend, gonna wait around outside bars in my neighborhood and "patrol". If I see a drunk obnoxious frat boy type, I'll start following him, then confront him and shoot him in the chest when he puts up a fight. Because he looks like a date rapist. If he hasn't raped anyone, he would probably rape someone, so it's fine for me to shoot him even if he's unarmed. right? I'm just looking out for my neighborhood, right? He probably got suspended in high school a couple of times anyway.

Originally Posted by Freebasser View Post
So wait, this guy is driving around in his jeep with his cat and his television in the back and he's got his favourite music blaring away and... I think I've missed the point.

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