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Old 04-24-2007, 09:57 AM
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Default Re: The Global Warming Swindle

Originally Posted by fucktopgirl
Global warming is due to human activities as well as the warming of the sun.
prove it.

Both factors are playing a very important role....
prove it.
which scientists are you referring to.
what work did they do, what process. are they credible?
if you can''t answer that, then environimentalism is just a religion to you.

And human should change his destructive production habits and switch to less damaging energy production and think more about his actions instead of blaming the ocean and the freaking rabbit that fart in the field.
to some degree, yes.
whenever possible, humans should be given the choice between better, cleaner environmental conditions or more industry or cheaper prices.
who are we to tell Ethopia how they should run thier industry.
free market ecomics....not Big Brother.

Also, i am amaze that some people see human who care about environment like a scam....the fuck is your problem?
to those in the "know" it is a scam. Many scientists know thier data is flawed and thier predictions are unsubstatiated....but they need the grant dollars, they want the lime light...and/or they feel the means justify the ends.
and the pressure from thier peers is enourmous.

Anyway, that documentary is crap!! The ocean is responsable for the co2..hahahahaha, alright then.
yeah. read some more books.

Originally Posted by Nuzz stretch your capacity for compassion for other people? Then again, I don't think you value that very highly. Not as highly as telling it like it is.
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