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Old 07-06-2020, 11:50 AM
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Extra Cheese Extra Cheese is offline
R.I.P. Brooklyn
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Default Re: Adrock and Rick Rubin talk for the first time in decades...

the interview in that linked article basically proves neither side is willing to budge on their stance or give in. the interviewer brings up the money issue and rick kinda defensively points to CBS rather than him or russell for withholding money. In turn the band responds with, “Unfortunately this recollection does not match up with the reality of the events at that time.”

so did the band never receive anything for LTI once they left? that album sold consistently right up until the music biz went down the toilet. props to them if they really wanted no parts of def jam/rick/russell in anyway but to never have gone after what's really yours especially after paul's boutique when they were just about broke

Last edited by Extra Cheese : 07-06-2020 at 11:55 AM.
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