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Old 05-05-2012, 08:45 PM
baltogrl71 baltogrl71 is offline
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Default Re: Adam Yauch - 1964-2012

Originally Posted by Mountain_Cat_1M View Post
Just want to say my few words...

Been a fan since 86. I was shocked when MCA announced he had cancer...and I was just after finishing a 6 month go of chemo 2 months prior for small bowel cancer. So his announcement hit home for me. I thought for sure he would beat it given it seemed localized and treatable. It is baffling how one person can beat it and another can't. My tumor was likely 10x bigger than as his and 10x more lymph nodes affected but its been 3.5 years since surgery to remove all the cancer and 3 years since I finished chemo and no signs of reoccurance. How I am alive is beyond me. So when someone like MCA can't beat it, someone who really made a difference for so many, it really gets to me. Because I'm just a regular joe who was very damn lucky.

I'd like to say he went out first class and didn't go out coach but there is nothing first class about his death. One thing is for certain his life was first class and he was a child of the earth. R.I.P MCA.
Originally Posted by trentonkyle23 View Post
Hey everyone,
MCA's passing is going to be one of those moments where I will always remember where I was when I heard the news. He (along with the rest of the BBoys) meant that much to me. Very sad news. I had the fortune to see the guys four times over the span almost 20 years.

My buddy let me post some rarities, deep cuts, and b-sides in an MCA tribute podcast I made last night. If you are the type of fan that knows Cooky Puss and 33% God etc. then I think you'll dig it.
You can find it at

Let me know if you want me to share the Playlist with you via Dropbox (hopefully we are allowed to do that on this site).

RIP Adam
yes please send to my dropbox....ok well first tell me what info you need my friend just set it up for me and I am technology challenged.
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