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Old 06-05-2009, 05:17 PM
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RobMoney$ RobMoney$ is offline
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Default Re: The police stole my car

You park your car in front of their house because you probably feel like it's in a safe place, a residential street where people are around and vandilism is less likely.
It's not parked in some dimly lit, desolate parking lot where it's likely to be stolen or fucked with.

Meanwhile, the person's home you're parked in front of now can't park their own car there and enjoy the benefit of having their car in a residential area.
You're forcing them to park in the dimly lit parking lot down the street.

Also, coming home with a car full of groceries and having to park down the street and lug the groceries down the block can be pretty annoying.

You really can't get much more self-centered.

Got 99 problems and they all bitches

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