Thread: this is stupid
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Old 07-23-2010, 07:17 PM
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cosmo105 cosmo105 is offline
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Default Re: this is stupid

Yeah, what they all said. Besides, this is nothing. Wait till one of them really breaks your heart

But seriously, there will be many, many others. Believe me, once you get your bearings in it and become more confident it'll grow exponentially. You'll be more comfortable going after women and let it just roll off your back when it doesn't work out. She wasn't the one, so why waste another minute pining for someone that wasn't right?

(I know this is all easier said than done, and really it's something you have to learn for yourself. No matter how many times people will tell it to you, it won't sink in. But you'll get there.)

lonely as a cloud in the golden state
"the longest winter that i ever saw
was the summer that i spent..."

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