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Old 02-10-2020, 01:29 PM
Sir SkratchaLot Sir SkratchaLot is offline
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Arrow Re: "I'm a Lumberjack DJ Ad-Rock"

Originally Posted by dave790 View Post
They did the scratching themselves on HSC too right?

I haven't listened to it in awhile, but scratching in B-Boys in the Cut, Lee Majors, Long Burn and HALSFY comes to mind as potential Adrock.
Can't remember where I heard this but that's what I remember hearing.

Originally Posted by dave790 View Post
Pretty sure Yauch or Horovitz state that MMM did all the scratching on HN, it is somewhere on that album's commentary. But for sure those two did the scratching on CYH and IC between them.
I've thought about this one a lot.

My understanding was that Mike did the bulk of the "lead" cutting on Hello Nasty but there's a lot of other scratching on that album that he didn't do. There's a good deal of scratching on there that just doesn't sound like Mike at all. Somewhere there's an interview with him talking about coming in fairly late in the recording process and adding cuts to just a handful of the tracks. If I remember right he describes the album as sounding "corny" to him at the time in that interview.

It makes a lot of sense from the production standpoint that the "non-lead" cuts would have been done by Adrock/MCA to add flavor to the production as part of the main production process. Then MMM came in when the album was pretty far along to add the "lead" cuts on certain tracks.

So, for example, on Shame in Your Game, the "Non-Stop Hip Hop" fill was probably Adrock or MCA. Those cuts are more part of the beat, and are very simple cuts. You don't hear Mike do too much of that type of thing. But the "lead" cuts at the end of the song are definitely MMM. "Sneaking Out the Hospital" and "Unite" have the same type of wild cuts characteristic of MMM. You can tell that "Can't Stop Won't Stop/Grasshopper" has at least some of Mike's cuts but I suspect the snare scratches and stuff were Adrock. Obviously 3 MC's is full on Mix Master Mike.

In contrast, if you listen to "Electrify", those are almost certainly not Mike's cuts. Too simple, too far behind the beat. The cuts on that one don't sound like Mike at all but sound a LOT like Adrock on Professor Booty. "Just a Test" sounds like Adrock to me as well.

So, when you look at the liner notes, the tracks with Mike credited on them all tend to match up with the tracks that have cuts that match his unique style. That makes me think the liner notes are pretty accurate as far as Mike is concerned and ALL the other cuts were done by Adrock or MCA.
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