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Old 02-16-2009, 01:33 PM
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ToucanSpam ToucanSpam is offline
Join Date: Jul 2004
Posts: 13,307
Default Re: The Family Album

Don't cry, Padster. It's just the internet. You can say or do anything you want, including pretending that you're from South Central Los Angeles despite the fact that you're white. If you ever took this little song and dance of yours on the road, you'd get the shit beat out of you for being a white trash dipshit.

By the way, the people you think are douches here are infinitely smarter and funnier than you. I'm glad they've been dishing out some e-burns your way because you whine like a little child when people pick you, throwing curses and threats around like it's going out of style. You love to dish it out on these people and yet when it comes your way you lash out without a second thought. It's extremely predictable and it keeps getting funnier.
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