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Old 12-03-2021, 02:12 PM
tuc70021 tuc70021 is offline
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Default Re: Beastie Boys Music

Originally Posted by dust monkey View Post

i thought they were left on the D train in a turquoise plaid duffle bag that came from the submarine they recorded HN in while traversing the Mariana Trench before MEG escaped and ate james cameron while he was scouting avatar 6 locations after raising the titanic and finding descendants of the original passengers who have been surviving on algae and oxygen harvested from previously undiscovered marine life.
Ok but all jokes aside, I consulted with a forensic biographist and he said that Adrock was telling the truth about losing the master in that duffle bag in Beastie Boys Book.

Apparently when recording Part 1, Yauch decided that he wanted to do everything on one USB drive. That was actually the inspiration behind calling it "Part 1." "We're doing one stick, that's all." Adrock was nervous about it, but he was really focused on perfecting his mac and cheese recipe at the time, so he caved. But he definitely didn't want Yauch keeping the drive, what with that whole 15 year ring prank Yauch pulled on him, so he offered to take it.

So Adrock throws the stick into his bag and sets off to leave. Mike asked him "Hey, are you sure - what with this being the 21st century and our album being produced entirely on computers - that you want to wipe all digital backups of everything and put the album onto one physical piece of media?" But Adrock sort of just brushed him off because he was really getting in this spaghetti sandwich he'd picked up at 711. Anyway fast-forward and the USB drive goes missing, and no one has found it despite it being in a rather "flamboyant duffle bag" (this was how Mike apparently described it in his journal "The Sensual Memoirs of Michael Diamond").

And THAT is what happened to Part 1. Definitely not a joke. Really was lost on a train. Case closed.
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