Thread: PWR2MCA Project
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Old 05-02-2012, 07:10 AM
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MsPacMan MsPacMan is offline
dnt ply n gm tht i cnt wn
Join Date: Oct 2011
Location: Sydney, Australia
Posts: 543
Default Re: PWR2MCA Project

If you ever got the chance to tell Adam Yauch how much he means to you; what would you say?

Well...........say whatever you need to say to him.


...........if you wish to send a written message to Yauch; email it to me and it would be my pleasure to include it for you.


These messages will be kept private. I won't be publishing them online, and I won't be discussing them with anyone.

Any length! It can't be too long or too short.

Let it aaaaaaalllllll out!

Don't miss your chance!

"........I want to offer my love and respect to the end..........."
(or you can private message me on this board)

Real names not necessary.
Non-English-speaking welcome; we can figure it out together.
Group messages fine.
Anonymous messages also fine.

Your call.

I'm just the carrier pigeon.
EVERYTHING sent to me WILL be printed and sent to Yauch.

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