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Old 10-05-2004, 07:01 AM
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MaestroDenis MaestroDenis is offline
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Default Re: Ex-Prodigy disses Beastie Boys

I started a thread on this topic not a long ago and it provoked the same kind of responses. For me it's a hard one to decide, as I like both bands, I'd say more so the Beasties (largely thanks to Paul's Boutique, no other group can EVER reproduce this). BUT I think Liam H initially never intended to suggest people should go out and bash women. Artists sometimes come out with provokative stuff to incite publicity eg. shock value etc but can overlook potential negative outcomes of such pieces. Surely, Liam would have considered that, and as he explained straight after the release of that single, the song is somewhat of an ode to Kool Keith, whom he sampled (and continues to sample) and Kool Keith said it meant to "..sort shit out, take care of business". It is understood the word "bitch" is also associated with material things, not only a derogatory term for females. It doesn't help however to listen to the original "...change my pitch up, smack my bitch like a pimp" is it just an analogy?

I think this was a conflict waiting to happen, sooner or later they would have done a gig together somewhere and the Beasties would have done the same thing and Liam would have reacted in exactly the same manner, because hey "Smack My Bitch Up" is one of their (his) most recognized cuts, he CAN'T not play that song.

PS. The Prodigy's new album really is WEAK, it sounds like one continous (bad) song,... (The Fat, Jilted and Experience shit all over this very forgettable album).


Atleast I know Russell Crowe's band's a fuckin pile of shit.

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