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Old 04-25-2007, 04:21 AM
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Default Re: The Global Warming Swindle

Originally Posted by Qdrop
it's "Y2K" all over again.

"we're all gonna DIE!!!!"

than it never happened.
because people like me spent over a year hunting through pages and pages of code correcting the date or writing patches to prevent systems from using the two digit date.

Believe me, Y2K was real and we did something about it.

Originally Posted by Qdrop
remember those "killer bees" migrating up from Texas at an astounding rate....they were projected to hitting the west coast within a year or 2...
what ever happened to the "killer Bee" epidemic?
Dunno, but we were prepared for it, weren't we?

Originally Posted by Qdrop
what ever happened to the Bird Flu epidemic?
Ask the peeps in SE Asia who lost family and friends. We did something about that, too. Any infected bird found caused mass culling of all free range poultry in the area (ironic, eh?)

Originally Posted by Qdrop
i guess Global Warming is the next "we're all gonna die!" thing, huh?
NOt necessarily, but the earth is warming up and it might be speeded up by human activity and it might not. What harm is there in trying to slow it down (other than asking people to drive smaller cars and not waste so much electricity and heating oil).

Originally Posted by Qdrop
can't any of you see trees for the forest?

can't any of you see the pattern?
Sure. The forests of trees being planted by people who think they can travel as much as they like and donate some money to some people who say they are going to plant a tree in Africa, or some such bullshit. THAT is the swindle, my friend. That and Green Taxes and reducing trash collection to force people to recycle more. All it is is fucking greedy politicians jumping on the Green bandwagon and making money by taxing more and collecting less trash while at the same time approving more road building, more airport runways, more air corridors and spending sweet fukall of the taxes they collect on subsidising public transport, hybrid cars, micro-generation and all the other things which REALLY make a difference.

Every time I hear a politician utter the word 'green', posing on a bicycle or a glacier or whatever, I want to strangle the fukker. Bush's push towards biofuel is another part of the swindle... no doubt his family has bought up all the farmland on which the biofuel crops (GM no doubt) will be grown with all manner of horrible fertilizer and pesticides and whatnot. In the mean time poor people in neighbouring countries can't afford to eat because the price of corn has shot up due to demand from the US.

I read a great article about how the real greens are getting fed up with all the mainstream journalists and politicians jumping on the bandwagon and shouting doom without concrete proof as Q so rightly says they are, because it causes people to say 'hey it's just journos exaggerating and politikos lying as usual' and so they don't believe them when really there could be something that they can do (other than this stupid fukn practice of paying Tree Tithes for their CO2 sins.)

nixon and bush are the bitches of the same master - bionic

Last edited by Ali : 04-25-2007 at 04:54 AM.
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