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Old 04-24-2007, 09:48 AM
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Default Re: The Global Warming Swindle

Originally Posted by sercomdj01
The arguement is do we rest on the side of causion or do we go with the cheeper option. Where do you stand on that Q?
i believe we do NOT err on the side of caution when that entails dumping trillions in an unsubtatiated theory that will economicially cripple much of the world and keep the 3rd world countries stuck in the 3rd world...dying from poor drinking water and disease.
we have finite resources to put forth fixing global problems.
so we must prioritize the problems by levels likely hood and proof.
Man-made global warming is WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY down the list.

I personaly beleive we are likely to be causing a speeding up of the global warming process. I read 2 scientific weeklies and many journals on the subject, and though evidence points in both directions - the main body of evidence suggests we are effecting the process.
I'm not seeing that, what that am seeing is coming from people more suspect and desparate for money and grants than the "Shell Answer Man."

I choose to read directly from scientific sources than how the media deals with a subject.
smart lad.

Though everything in that documentary has factual basis, the cleaver editing and use of emotive phrasing can mislead and misappropriate many of the sources. But isn't that what the media does? Its politics now and is treated as such by the media.
an COMPLETELY unbiased report or documentary just probably isn't possible anymore.
you just have to look at the science.

The science is that Co2 does not appear to causing the lags behind by about 800 years during temperature changes.
so C02 isn't the cause, but a byproduct. That was proven by the very deep ice core samples Gore showed in his AIT movie. He just didn't mention that part.

It's the sun, people....the sun.
Global Temp change relies on cloud cover.
cloud cover depends on cosmic radiation from the universe hitting our oceans and forming water vapor.
The cosmic rays hitting the earth depend on the activity of the sun and the solar winds it emits from time to time.

The problem that the Green Left have with that they can't do anything about the sun. It's difficult for them to force us to change our lifestyles and industry if the changes are coming from the sun, not us.
I'm sure they'll find a way.

Originally Posted by Nuzz stretch your capacity for compassion for other people? Then again, I don't think you value that very highly. Not as highly as telling it like it is.
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Last edited by Qdrop : 04-24-2007 at 10:00 AM.
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