Old 05-03-2012, 11:01 PM
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Default Romneys Former Bain Partner

Edward Conard talks with the NYTimes and promotes his book,

“Unintended Consequences: Why Everything You’ve Been Told About the Economy Is Wrong”

Here is the NYTimes article; The Purpose of Spectacular Wealth, According to a Spectacularly Wealthy Guy

It is an almost unbearable read, but reading this gave me a huge glimpse into the mind of a 1%er and his justifications for obscene amounts of money with no product produced. Fucking frightening.

I'm going dowwwwwn

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Old 05-04-2012, 02:57 PM
valvano valvano is offline
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Default Re: Romneys Former Bain Partner

I assume you have the same vile and hatred for Steve Jobs, who created billions out his garage?

Of course, this guy could have sat on his ass and relied on some govt program to guide him through life and be one of the 49% who currently pay no fed income taxes i.e. leeches.

But seriously, who are you to say that how much money somebody has is obscene? As long as they made it legally, who cares? Isnt that what makes America great?

On August 10, 1944, Red Barrett of the Boston Braves pitched a complete game against the Reds with only 58 pitches.

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Old 05-04-2012, 08:17 PM
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Default Re: Romneys Former Bain Partner

All the money in the world doesn't give that man the authority to make this determination:

"God didn’t create the universe so that talented people would be happy,” he said. “It’s not beautiful. It’s hard work. It’s responsibility and deadlines, working till 11 o’clock at night when you want to watch your baby and be with your wife. It’s not serenity and beauty.”

Who is he to say that? Not everyone wants to kill themselves for money. There is no art in his world, no history. The man is a husk.

And all that crap about "engineers make coke cans more efficiently, and it benefits everyone" is bullshit too. They don't spin that savings into savings to the consumer, they charge the same price and keep the profit...meanwhile, they're buying less aluminum, so they're taking money from that industry too. Efficiency isn't always the best mode of operation. Look at sloths, they are slow as fuck, and have been around for 60 million years.

Originally Posted by Freebasser View Post
So wait, this guy is driving around in his jeep with his cat and his television in the back and he's got his favourite music blaring away and... I think I've missed the point.

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Old 05-04-2012, 08:21 PM
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Default Re: Romneys Former Bain Partner

Originally Posted by valvano View Post
I assume you have the same vile and hatred for Steve Jobs, who created billions out his garage?

Of course, this guy could have sat on his ass and relied on some govt program to guide him through life and be one of the 49% who currently pay no fed income taxes i.e. leeches.

But seriously, who are you to say that how much money somebody has is obscene? As long as they made it legally, who cares? Isnt that what makes America great?
Steve Jobs didn't create that money on his own. And he is the exception, not the rule. And who's to say if he did it the right way? Maybe he should've figured out how to make his products in the U.S. instead of China? Maybe he contributed to the degradation of society because people isolate themselves with his technology?

So, you think that making a lot of money legally is what made America great? Seriously? You're so gross and backwards, man. Just, despicable.

Originally Posted by Freebasser View Post
So wait, this guy is driving around in his jeep with his cat and his television in the back and he's got his favourite music blaring away and... I think I've missed the point.

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Old 05-05-2012, 10:04 AM
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Default Re: Romneys Former Bain Partner

Originally Posted by valvano View Post
I assume you have the same vile and hatred for Steve Jobs, who created billions out his garage?

Of course, this guy could have sat on his ass and relied on some govt program to guide him through life and be one of the 49% who currently pay no fed income taxes i.e. leeches.

But seriously, who are you to say that how much money somebody has is obscene? As long as they made it legally, who cares? Isnt that what makes America great?
I'm relaying an article in a newspaper, when did I mention hatred or vile? When did I begrudge his money? He is promoting a book with justifications for his wealth and ability to invest. I disagree with his justifications and his economic outlook.

Steve Jobs had a product, he actually sold something to people when he took their money. A physical product that enhanced the purchasers life.

If you read and comprehend what Conard is saying, it's obvious he's a prick. At one point in the article he states;

During one conversation, he expressed anger over the praise that Warren Buffett has received for pledging billions of his fortune to charity. It was no sacrifice, Conard argued; Buffett still has plenty left over to lead his normal quality of life. By taking billions out of productive investment, he was depriving the middle class of the potential of its 20-to-1 benefits. If anyone was sacrificing, it was those people. “Quit taking a victory lap,” he said, referring to Buffett. “That money was for the middle class.”

Really? That is supposed to be sound logic? Trashing billionaires who have charity?

So we gave these guys $1Trillion in tax cuts. Where's the $20Trillion in improvements in the economy?

As one of the top commentors replied,

Good god, Conard. You do realize that in order for businesses to exist, consumers must be capable of *purchasing* goods and services, don't you? Do you (and by "you" I mean your staff) buy more groceries than you and your family can personally consume? How many washers or cars have your purchased in the last 10 years? I don't care if it's 50. A strong middle class can buy millions more. You're no more a "job creator" than Ebenezer Scrooge, himself.

I'm going dowwwwwn

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