Old 05-28-2012, 09:46 PM
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So, all through junior high and high school I sought out and saved every clipping and poster and scrap that I could find that was even remotely Beastie related. I put it up on my wall over my bed. I had magazine covers and articles, a picture of Adrock with an "I love you Jessica" speech bubble, stickers I never took off the backing but taped to the wall, and the stickers and reviews from every album. It wasn't anything like a serious collector's collection, but it was mine, my little piece of them. I wrote THE BEASTIE WALL over it and was so proud.

My mom just had a bunch of remodeling done, and I had gotten all of my old stuff out of a different bedroom but not that one since my sister lives in it now - and she thought I had gotten everything that I wanted out of it. I went over today and happened to be in the room for a bit before leaving and realized the walls had been repainted - and all of my posters were gone. Everything. Mom and sis realized with horror that they hadn't thought to tell me they had thrown that all away and I instantly fell to pieces. Couldn't stop crying for a good hour or so.

Literally LAST NIGHT I went to a Yauch memorial screening, at which I of course teared up, and then had dreams that D and Horovitz asked me to fill in for him while he recovered. (Talk about waking up heartbroken.) I know it's just a collection of paper and it was just stuff but it was MY stuff, it took me years to put it together. Adolescence was really shitty for me, and the Beastie Boys were something so cool and so fun and genuine that I just latched onto when I was 12. I haven't really been into them over the last few years, since TT5B really, but they hold such a huge special place in my heart and the thought of all of that being ripped off the walls, crumpled up and thrown in the trash literally made my heart hurt. My mom feels terrible and I didn't want to make her feel worse so I left pretty soon after I found out, but GUHHHH talk about terrible timing. I'm 28 and all, and I suppose I should have taken that out a long time ago if I really wanted to keep it since it's not my house and all but I left it up partially because my little sis grew to love them too.

ANYWAY. I figured you guys would understand me being pretty sad about this. Also, it was my birthday the other night and by midnight the 10 people that had shown up already left and the 30 other people that RSVPed didn't show up, so THAT hurt. Anyone else had something else precious inadvertently tossed?

lonely as a cloud in the golden state
"the longest winter that i ever saw
was the summer that i spent..."

Last edited by cosmo105 : 05-28-2012 at 09:53 PM.
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Old 05-28-2012, 09:56 PM
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That's gut wrenching. Like your childhood was wadded up and thrown out.

of course you are upset. Naturally.

Virtually ever time I go home my mother has gotten rid of something else that I used to love as a kid, or something else has changed in my old house. Even the fact that my old neighborhood and old school is completely different now, throws me.

I had a similar shrine in my basement to Quentin Tarantino set up. My mother tore that down ages ago, but I remember her telling me over the phone and me just kind of freezing and saying "Um. what?!"

I get it.
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Old 05-28-2012, 10:06 PM
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I never had a Beastie Wall, or any sort of collection of photos, magazine clippings, or anything like that, all because for some reason I always got the feeling that if I started collecting then I would never be able to stop. It was hard enough to not purchase every record, cassette, CD or bootleg of the Beasties that I ever came across. I regret that 'willpower' a lot, especially now that Yauch has passed away.

Recently I started saving pictures of MCA memorial graffiti and what not, and then that sort of escalated into general pictures of MCA, then all three of them... then I noticed that there was nothing that I was going to do with these pictures, apart form feel nostalgic. I can feel nostalgic all on my lonesome. Still, a lot of the MCA memorial art is really cool and stuff.

When I started my last job several years back, I was given a locker to keep my stuff in, and it already had a copy of a 1998 Rolling Stone, with the Beasties on the cover, which is a great photo, and I kept it in there for the 5 or 6 years I worked there. When I quit, I forgot to get it out, and felt too embarrassed to go back afterwards to collect a magazine. I wonder if it's still there.


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Old 05-28-2012, 10:15 PM
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Originally Posted by Pres Zount View Post
When I started my last job several years back, I was given a locker to keep my stuff in, and it already had a copy of a 1998 Rolling Stone, with the Beasties on the cover, which is a great photo, and I kept it in there for the 5 or 6 years I worked there. When I quit, I forgot to get it out, and felt too embarrassed to go back afterwards to collect a magazine. I wonder if it's still there.
I had a collector's-quality edition of that, sealed in plastic, affixed to the wall. Sniffle

lonely as a cloud in the golden state
"the longest winter that i ever saw
was the summer that i spent..."

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Old 05-28-2012, 10:51 PM
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I'm sorry, that sucks.

I'm a hoarder but I have got rid of a lot of stuff. Like a lot of people, even though I am on BBMB a lot I haven't been all that into Beasties for a few years.

But I still have bits I've kept somehow although I haven't had a massive lost anything like cosmos. Maybe we could start a cosmo fund and send cut outs etc we can spare? Like a justgiving page? Might not be the same though since it's other people nostalgia.
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Old 05-28-2012, 10:54 PM
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I completely understand why you are upset. However, here is one way you can look at this situation: this event is maybe Yauch's final, perfect parting gift to you. You are being presented with the perfect opportunity to examine "the four noble truths" of Buddhism - the first two in particular (well, one has to start at the start, after all). Take some time and think about it. I'm not suggesting you become a practicing Buddhist (unless you really feel drawn to do that) or that contemplating this will necessarily make you 'feel better', only that a bit of introspection on what's happened and why (and curiously, why now) might fuel some degree of personal, spiritual growth.

Just throwing that out there.
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Old 05-28-2012, 11:07 PM
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Originally Posted by Adam View Post
I'm sorry, that sucks.

I'm a hoarder but I have got rid of a lot of stuff. Like a lot of people, even though I am on BBMB a lot I haven't been all that into Beasties for a few years.

But I still have bits I've kept somehow although I haven't had a massive lost anything like cosmos. Maybe we could start a cosmo fund and send cut outs etc we can spare? Like a justgiving page? Might not be the same though since it's other people nostalgia.
Aw, that's a sweet thought Adam. Yeah, it wouldn't really be the same - it was the fact that I spent all that time collecting it and what that time meant to me and all. I used to be a big time messy pack rat in high school and have since become very efficient and good about throwing things away. This was one thing I guess I never even imagined not being around anymore. One of the posters was one that my brother bought for me to cheer me up the day my dad died. Very strong memories attached to that.

Thanks for the insight, Ms. P. I'll read up on that. Like I said, I've gotten much better about "stuff" over the years, and I'm a happier person for it.

lonely as a cloud in the golden state
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Old 05-28-2012, 11:39 PM
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I got some $2Bill posters around somewhere if it would help?

Originally Posted by Echewta View Post
My favorite part of the thread is all of it.

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Old 05-29-2012, 05:35 AM
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Originally Posted by cosmo105 View Post
So, all through junior high and high school I sought out and saved every clipping and poster and scrap that I could find that was even remotely Beastie related. I put it up on my wall over my bed. (
Originally Posted by Mae View Post

I had a similar shrine in my basement to Quentin Tarantino set up. My mother tore that down ages ago, but I remember her telling me over the phone and me just kind of freezing and saying "Um. what?!"
Sorry about your guys ordeal, interestingly enough I've always felt Quentin lifted much of his style from the Beastie Boys, not that that is a bad thing, just the opposite, he's one uncompromising artist.

I had about 2 dozen incredible vintage rock and roll T-Shirts I really, really prized that my dad threw out from a closet I was storing my junk at in his apartment. I must of spent 100's of hours scrouring the racks at second hand stores in the 90's to find them. One of them was a Springsteen '73 east coast tour, another was a DEVO shirt with Alfred E. Newman, fuck they were priceless all of them. The only one left was a Rolling Stones "Tattoo You" tour shirt. He thought they were shit I didn't care about so I left them there. I left them there because he's a major hoarder and felt they'd be safe.

I just shook my head and mumbled, and am still mumbling today 10 years after. Probably better to WAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!

Which reminds me, for a brief moment Seattle had an XLarge store... The Beastie Boys always have the finest in gentleman's furnishings.

Sorry, I know how it feels. I'm a huge collector of paper ephemera and have close to 20,000 postcards from 1890 to the mid 70's (mainly the 30's 40's and 50's) plus old schedules, tickets and posters. I haven't been collecting for the past decade, but man when I did I gave it my all.

I'm going dowwwwwn

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Old 05-29-2012, 05:54 AM
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im sorry
i know when i move out that ill take anything with me that has some meaning to me so something similar wont happen

i remember when my parents told me to store a good bunch of toys in our basement cause my room nearly exploded of toys, garbage bags been the only thing i could find to put my stuff into, not a big surprise that a while later my parents did throw them bags into a trashcan!
wasnt very clever to put that stuff into garbage bags but why should someone store trash in the basement instead of throwing it right away?
years before our basement burnt twice which also meant a big loss of things that meant a lot to me

atleast i could save a bit of toys that i can give my children some day

Originally Posted by Big Gus
The friendship ended when I wiped my arse on his pillow.
Originally Posted by Pres Zount
I don't really love you! Lyman zerga is on my ignore list, but you don't deserve it, you swine!

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Old 05-29-2012, 07:13 AM
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While I'm sorry you lost these precious mementos, it's heartening to hear Beastie stories from one of the 'freest' of the Beastie-free contingent.

I too have been philosophical about Yauch's final gifts to us; namely, his absence in the latter part of his life. He laid low, and in a sad but necessary way got the world used to not having him around. It's painful, but that gave us the opportunity to maintain hope while (somewhat) adjusting to him being absent.

I dunno. I'm just talking shit.

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Old 05-29-2012, 07:30 AM
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During my highschool years, My mom set up a garage sale one morning while I was still sleeping and I woke up to her already having sold 3/4 of my childhood archie comic collection for like a mere 10 bucks.

I was mad at her for DAYS.

That sucks about your birthday too dude, the older I get the harder it is to get people out for a birthday and exponentially harder to expect people to stay up late.
If I'm ever at a birthday I always make an insane effort to not be a party pooper and go along with whatever the birthday boy/girl wants to do.

Maybe everyone was just partied out after your epic wedding bash?

Next stop, home ownership! I’m just kidding, the middle class is dying. You’ll be renting forever.

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Old 05-29-2012, 07:46 AM
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I consider myself a quasi-serious collector. I've got a substantial vinyl & poster art collection.
Some of my more favorite pieces were displayed prominently throughout my home.

When I moved I gave away a ton of pretty collectible posters and various stuff to friends I knew would like them.
For me, it was never about the physical medium of the Beastie stuff I was collecting, or the suggested value of anything. It was always about the memories each of the items represented to me.

You most likely would have never displayed any of your magazine clippings wherever you live now, it's just the memories those things represented, and you'll always have the memories of the good times and inspirations the Beasties gave to you.

You don't need to show anyone a clipping from 1987 to prove what the Beastie Boys meant to you.

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Old 05-29-2012, 08:25 AM
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Cosmo your story is pretty upsetting. I hope you're feeling better about it now. If I can risk being corny for a moment, you have lots of memories of the Beastie Boys and BBMB that can't be crumpled up and chucked out, and those memories are so much better than personal possessions. I never collected many Beastie related items, but I owned two albums and now I can't find them. Thank god for iTunes...

Anyway all I have to contribute is that I hope we all just hang on to the good memories MCA gave us. Eventually, paper and CDs become trash, but remember how rockin' they were in Glascow 1999 is forever.
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Old 05-29-2012, 08:48 AM
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Originally Posted by ToucanSpam View Post
If I can risk being corny for a moment,
That's signature worthy

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Old 05-29-2012, 10:27 AM
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Originally Posted by HEIRESS View Post

That sucks about your birthday too dude, the older I get the harder it is to get people out for a birthday and exponentially harder to expect people to stay up late.
If I'm ever at a birthday I always make an insane effort to not be a party pooper and go along with whatever the birthday boy/girl wants to do.

Maybe everyone was just partied out after your epic wedding bash?
Yeah, I figure that's part of it. having a bday over memorial day weekend has always been sorta rough too. I know I've missed my share of parties for being too tired or whatever, but I think the 4+ cocktails had something to do with the pity party, ha.

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Old 05-29-2012, 11:10 AM
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Happy belated birthday.

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Old 05-29-2012, 08:18 PM
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i feel you.. years ago, i had cleaned up my parents basement and carefully put together a massive box of records from my and my dad's stuff.

i come home months later to find the box gone. when i asked my mom, she told me she threw it out. i proceed to fume at the collar and am told to forget about that "junk".

literally thousands of dollars, thrown away..

how do you spell fury?...


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Old 05-30-2012, 07:26 AM
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Originally Posted by Pres Zount View Post
When I started my last job several years back, I was given a locker to keep my stuff in, and it already had a copy of a 1998 Rolling Stone, with the Beasties on the cover, which is a great photo, and I kept it in there for the 5 or 6 years I worked there....
Actually just today found that mag amongst my collection (which is rather huge) as there was an NME from 1994 on eBay which I didn't recognise and started going through my old mags. There's still a couple of boxes full of them in the basement...

My parents were actually quite the opposite. When they sold the house they brought all the music stuff that I'd saved in my teens over here, loads of old punk fanzines/magazines, all my albums with cuttings from magazines and papers (Bowie, BCR, Clash...), loads of posters. I think my father (and his father) were collectors so they knew what they'd ment to me.

Cosmo, I do understand how you feel! And belated birthday wishes and congratulations on your marriage!

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Old 05-30-2012, 06:07 PM
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For some reason this thread keeps bringing up bad shit that happened to me in my childhood and teen years.

Now I'm starting to think about my adult life. I can't "let go" of bad times easy.

No wonder I ended up in AA, normal people don't think like I do.


I'm going dowwwwwn

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Old 05-30-2012, 06:26 PM
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Originally Posted by Kid Presentable View Post
While I'm sorry you lost these precious mementos, it's heartening to hear Beastie stories from one of the 'freest' of the Beastie-free contingent.

I too have been philosophical about Yauch's final gifts to us; namely, his absence in the latter part of his life. He laid low, and in a sad but necessary way got the world used to not having him around. It's painful, but that gave us the opportunity to maintain hope while (somewhat) adjusting to him being absent.

I dunno. I'm just talking shit.
No you're not. It makes perfect sense. Lately I've been thinking well for three years he wasn't around so this is just going to be like that and we'll just chat about him and enjoy what we do have of the Beasties and things will be just fine. Perhaps his method worked. He didn't want to bother updating us to worry us, which he didn't want to tell Mike and Adam anything either so yeah....

Anyway sorry about that Cosmo. Royally sucks is all I can say. Happy belated!

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