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Old 08-12-2009, 11:14 AM
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Default officials see rise in militia groups across us

Originally Posted by Eileen Sullivan, The Associated Press

WASHINGTON — Militia groups with gripes against the government are regrouping across the country and could grow rapidly, according to an organization that tracks such trends.

The stress of a poor economy and a liberal administration led by a black president are among the causes for the recent rise, the report from the Southern Poverty Law Center says. Conspiracy theories about a secret Mexican plan to reclaim the Southwest are also growing amid the public debate about illegal immigration.

Bart McEntire, a special agent with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, told SPLC researchers that this is the most growth he's seen in more than a decade.

"All it's lacking is a spark," McEntire said in the report.

It's reminiscent of what was seen in the 1990s – right-wing militias, people ideologically against paying taxes and so-called "sovereign citizens" are popping up in large numbers, according to the report to be released Wednesday. The SPLC is a nonprofit civil rights group that, among other activities, investigates hate groups.

Last October, someone from the Ohio Militia posted a recruiting video on YouTube, billed as a "wake-up call" for America. It's been viewed more than 60,000 times.

"Things are bad, things are real bad, and it's going to be a lot worse," said the man on the video, who did not give his name. "Our country is in peril."

The man is holding an AR-15 semiautomatic rifle, and he encourages viewers to buy one.

While anti-government sentiment has been on the rise over the last two years, there aren't as many threats and violent acts at this point as there were in the 1990s, according to the report. That movement bore the likes of Timothy McVeigh, who in 1995 blew up a federal building in Oklahoma City and killed 168 people.

But McEntire fears it's only a matter of time.

These militias are concentrated in the Midwest, Pacific Northwest and the Deep South, according to Mark Potok, an SPLC staff director who co-wrote the report. Recruiting videos and other outreach on the Internet are on the rise, he said, and researchers from his center found at least 50 new groups in the last few months.

The militia movement of the 1990s gained traction with growing concerns about gun control, environmental laws and anything perceived as liberal government meddling.

The spark for that movement came in 1992 with an FBI standoff with white separatist Randall Weaver at Ruby Ridge, Idaho. Weaver's wife and son were killed by an FBI sniper. And in 1993, a 52-day standoff between federal agents and the Branch Davidian cult in Waco, Texas, resulted in nearly 80 deaths. These events rallied more people who became convinced that the government would murder its own citizens to promote its liberal agenda.

Now officials are seeing a new generation of activists, according to the report. The law center spotlights Edward Koernke, a Michigan man who hosts an Internet radio show about militias. His father, Mark, was a major figure in the 1990s militia movement and served six years in prison for charges including assaulting police.

Last year, officials warned about an increase in activity from militias in a five-year threat projection by the Homeland Security Department.

"White supremacists and militias are more violent and thus more likely to conduct mass-casualty attacks on the scale of the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing," the threat projection said.

A series of domestic terrorism incidents over the past year have not been directly tied to organized militias, but the rhetoric behind some of the crimes are similar with that of the militia movement. For instance, the man charged with the April killings of three Pittsburgh police officers posted some of his views online. Richard Andrew Poplawski wrote that U.S. troops could be used against American citizens, and he thinks a gun ban could be coming.

The FBI's assistant director for counterterrorism, Michael Heimbach, said that law enforcement officials need to identify people who go beyond hateful rhetoric and decide to commit violent acts and crimes. Heimbach said one of the bigger challenges is identifying the lone-wolf offenders.

One alleged example of a lone-wolf offender is the 88-year-old man charged in the June shooting death of a guard at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington.

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Old 08-12-2009, 11:39 AM
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Default Re: officials see rise in militia groups across us

awww, fuck.

I was going to say I feel pretty insulated from that stuff...but then I remembered that those people like to bomb cities and what not. and chi would be a likely target considering obama's from here. so, shit.

Originally Posted by Freebasser View Post
So wait, this guy is driving around in his jeep with his cat and his television in the back and he's got his favourite music blaring away and... I think I've missed the point.

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Old 08-12-2009, 11:57 AM
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Default Re: officials see rise in militia groups across us

I believe that U.S. citizens have a right to a well regulated militia but I do not agree with lunacy running one, including the disturbingly powerful and influential Blackwater/Xe - I have read that a whistleblower blames the founder of murder (outside the murders in Iraq).


The head of Blackwater and his employees may have killed or ordered the killing of people suspected of cooperating with federal investigators probing their activities, according to an anonymous affidavit filed in federal court Monday.
Yes some of these will be guys playing guns and that's about it, but many will also be fueled with political propaganda and conspiracy, religious dogma, racism, enlisting post military who may already be on the cusp of blowing a fuse from PTSD. Do we believe these people will defend those they hate against a corrupt government? I doubt it.

Check out Hutatree on Youtube, they fly a flag with a cross on it - so did the Nazis

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Old 08-12-2009, 12:08 PM
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Default Re: officials see rise in militia groups across us

ha, that hutatree has a myspace. so does the ohio militia. so weird.

I don't know, I guess I'm alright with them as long as they're fighting for the right reasons (Jesus).

Originally Posted by Freebasser View Post
So wait, this guy is driving around in his jeep with his cat and his television in the back and he's got his favourite music blaring away and... I think I've missed the point.

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Old 08-12-2009, 12:17 PM
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Default Re: officials see rise in militia groups across us

Yeah I'm sure they won't persecute any muslins or hindoons, or boodas

seeing that the U.S. has a beautifully non-maligned mixed religious heritage

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Old 08-12-2009, 12:43 PM
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Default Re: officials see rise in militia groups across us

Originally Posted by Dorothy Wood View Post
awww, fuck.

I was going to say I feel pretty insulated from that stuff...but then I remembered that those people like to bomb cities and what not. and chi would be a likely target considering obama's from here. so, shit.
it is disturbing. i am all for peaceful revolutions (if there is such a thing -- there has been a couple). but violent groups of males roaming around with guns wanting to overthrow the government scares the shit out of me. i guess i would feel differently if (a) the government was truly evil; and (b) i was one of the young males roaming around with a lethal weapon. no i think i would still feel scared shitless

"A lot of record companies look at the numbers and they'll be like, 'Your first record sold 5 million and your second record sold only 800,000. What happened? You guys fell off, I think the band all feels that the record did really well. Most musicians I grew up playing music with would probably shoot me if I ever complained about selling 800,000 records."

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Old 08-12-2009, 12:57 PM
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Default Re: officials see rise in militia groups across us

This is where it gets muddy

Militias are supposedly allowed to defend an unjust and corrupt government, not to overthrow one that has barely made it's mark. The right to bear arms is not to intimidate (like the gentlemen at Obama's Town Hall Meeting), but is for protection. Brandishing a weapon without any perceived threat is a threat in and of itself. I don't know if Obama called a stand down on the Secret Service. They have very little boundaries when it comes to this shit and I bet they would have had not qualms pulling this person aside.

But I bet the Secret Service didn't play their hand because this man wanted to be a martyr for the right wing gun movement.

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Old 08-12-2009, 01:14 PM
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Default Re: officials see rise in militia groups across us

Chris Matthews interview of the gun toting protester


Decent interview, I believe Matthews was a bit of jerk about it. I also believe this gentleman's statement about bringing a gun as a tool of influence (especially at a Presidential event) could easily be construed as a threat

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Old 08-12-2009, 01:45 PM
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Default Re: officials see rise in militia groups across us

Timothy Mcveigh the monster behind the Alfred P Murrah federal building bombing in Oaklahoma was wearing a shirt bearing the Jefferson Tree of Liberty Quote.

Keep this in mind - Patriots do not threaten nor kill their fellow citizen.


Hanger, shown a T-shirt introduced as evidence Monday morning, said, "This appears to be the same T-shirt that Mr. McVeigh was wearing. It has a picture of Abraham Lincoln on it, with writing below it. On the back it has a picture of a tree with red blood droplets on it."

Although Hanger did not read the T-shirt lettering in court, CNN has previously reported the shirt was printed with the Thomas Jefferson quote, "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."

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Old 08-12-2009, 02:09 PM
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Default Re: officials see rise in militia groups across us

Originally Posted by kaiser soze View Post
Chris Matthews interview of the gun toting protester


Decent interview, I believe Matthews was a bit of jerk about it. I also believe this gentleman's statement about bringing a gun as a tool of influence (especially at a Presidential event) could easily be construed as a threat
That guy has a bit of a martyr syndrome. I mean c'mon, you're toting a gun at a Presidential rally, holding up a sign of revolution, then WTF? You now have decided to do a National TV interview, become a youtube star and pontificate weapons worn openly on your person.

I fucking dare that badass to come on down to South Central LA and stroll around the hood for just one hour with his extra penis on his thigh.

Plus this extremely high IQ'd fellow lost a huge chunk of privacy in his life. Especially with the docket the Secret Service now has on him.

I'm not offended nor am I saying he doesn't have the right to do this, I just think it's a major dumbshit move. Which is perfectly legal for dumbshits to do.

I'm going dowwwwwn

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