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Old 04-15-2012, 03:47 AM
MsPacMan's Avatar
MsPacMan MsPacMan is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2011
Location: Sydney, Australia
Posts: 543
Exclamation if you care about Adam Yauch; PLEASE read this

If you don’t know me, it’s because I’m a fringe-dweller who lurks on this messageboard but rarely posts. Yup. My bad.

I only post when I get a wriggling sense of urgency.

Do the Beasties read their board? If so; STOP READING, you three bad boys.

Online, I call myself MsPacMan; because I’m small and I look kinda sweet, but I never shut up.
And sometimes when I open my big mouth, it gets me into trouble.

But here I go, anyway:

I’m an Aussie girl from Sydney. Yauch has ALWAYS my favourite. I admire him so much that I even bought the goddamn action figures last year because, well…….damn. Because he ASKED. And because it was for kids with cancer. I mean…………….damn.

Watching them (via video link) at the Hall of Fame induction tonight, I was so INCREDIBLY proud of them,
I thought I was gonna spontaneously combust.
If you didn’t get to see their speech, you GOTTA watch it when it airs on HBO. It literally reduced grown men to tears.
They were THE classiest guys in the room.

Someone on the messageboard was just telling me that they had been listening to an interview with Yauch from a coupla years ago.
Yauch said that he felt the Beasties might not be the best BAND in the world, but he WAS certain they had the best FANS in the world.

I think it’s pretty clear that we’re all spending a lot of precious time and energy worrying about our man MCA.

And for good reason. It would appear we have a bigger battle on our hands than we anticipated, people.
By the time you read this, you would’ve heard that MCA was too ill to attend the ceremony.
He wouldn’t have missed it for the WORLD. So we can only imagine how ill he must be.

We are putting a LOT of good vibes out there. Go team! Positive energy. It can’t hurt.

But why don’t we DO something?

Couldn’t we DO something?

As the man himself says: “intention leads to action”.

If I was him, I’m sure it would mean a LOT to me - that SO MANY people were keeping me in their thoughts; and in their hearts.

So why don’t we SHOW him how much he means to us?

I’m STARTING something. “We gotta get together; it’s been too long.”

It’s called the……….


We are sending the power of positivity to MCA.
But THIS time, we’re gonna send more than just positive THOUGHTS.

And you just GOTTA get involved:

Step 1: take a photo like THIS: http://pic.twitter.com/M1NWEWpa Just the same as mine. Write “PWR 2 MCA” on your hand. Make a fist.
Take the photo with your other hand. Use a different background. Left-handed people aren’t allowed to participate. (Kidding.)

Step 2: TAKE POSITIVE ACTION in honour of Yauch. Pick a charity that would mean something to him. Donate! MAKE A DIFFERENCE!
It DOES NOT have to be much. It can be five fucking dollars, you lousy bum. hahahahahaha
Here are Yauch’s favourites; but it’s your call:
(you can just do it online; easy peasy)

Step 3: send the photo to me (Twitter; email; etc), tell me your name (or pseudonym) and where in the world you are.
Also tell me which charity (and; if you like, how much $ you donated; but that’s your call). You can remain anonymous.

Step 4: now THIS is where it gets SUPER AWESOME.
I will collect ALL photos, and collate ALL details.
I’ll probably do up a super-nerdy Excel document.
I will then mail ALL OF OUR PHOTOS to O-Scope, addressed to Yauch, and also a list of ALL OF THE CHARITIES we have helped......
And possibly also how much $ we have raised in his honour.

I’m mailing the photos exactly ONE MONTH after the Hall of Fame induction.

I suppose some horrid, wicked people could do the following:
  • you could send the photo and not give $
  • you could send the photo and just tell me lies and PRETEND you’ve given $ (I’m not demanding receipts)
  • you could choose to do NOTHING and not participate at all
……BUT you’ll be in more trouble than the early settlers IF THE KARMA POLICE EVER CATCH YOU.

There are 72,596 registered users on this board. Imagine if I got a hundred of them to respond? Two hundred? How cool would that be?

I wonder HOW big this could get?

This is ADAM YAUCH we’re talking about, people.

Every single one of us owes him.

He taught us about peace and non-violence.
He taught us to stand up and take action.
He taught us “if it don’t hurt nobody else; then don’t be afraid to be yourself”.
He taught us “with the interconnectedness that we share as one; every action we take affects everyone”.
He taught us that “White Castle fries only come in one size”.
(........which may seem off-topic, but I have been typing for a while and a girl gets hungry, OK?)


Adam is fighting the real fight and we’ve just GOTTA make sure he knows how much we care. We’ve gotta do it NOW.


I wanna be able to send, like, HEAPS of photos.
I want to run out of ink in my printer.
I want the people at the post office to think I’m insane in the membrane.
I wanna send so many photos that it will “flip his wig back”.
And I wanna be able to say “like, SHIT, we raised (however-many) dollars because of YOU, Adam Yauch.........
WHOA! Look how many people want to show their support!”





Will YOU do it FOR YAUCH?

How can you NOT?



PS. As I am writing this, I can hear music drifting through my open window.
It’s coming from next door.
It’s my 13-year-old neighbour, messing around on iTunes; upstairs in his bedroom.

You know what the kid’s playin’?

Hot Sauce, y’all.
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