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Old 10-04-2004, 12:45 PM
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Default Re: Ex-Prodigy disses Beastie Boys

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Old 10-06-2004, 06:53 AM
Van_Gig Van_Gig is offline
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Default Re: Ex-Prodigy disses Beastie Boys

Originally Posted by chrisd
Segui il tuo corso e lascia dir la gente!
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Old 10-06-2004, 08:09 AM
Intense Intense is offline
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Default Re: Ex-Prodigy disses Beastie Boys

haha ok...

@dog..why should i care what a irrelevant rookie like u is saying? your cheap disses got no effect on me.

to all u amateurs, if u know anything about producing, the new prodigy album is very well produced, it may be not your taste, but the technical execution is definitely excellent. any producer who know shit will agree.

and any producer who know shit will agree that the new beastie album is weak. some tracks even sound like presets of a software programm (it's not but it sounds like). i think that's why liam said it's shit basically. he sees it from the view of a producer. true, unsuspecting 2nd class listeners think it's a great longplayer, that's ok, i mean, they' re average customers but longtime producers know the deal...

@kingadrock...yea true, americans don't give a fuck about prodigy anymore...u guys prefer 50 cent, p-diddy, ja rule, snoop etc etc...welcome to america...hahahahaha...lol

Last edited by Intense : 10-06-2004 at 08:12 AM.
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Old 10-06-2004, 08:26 AM
lazerinyourear lazerinyourear is offline
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Default Re: Ex-Prodigy disses Beastie Boys

I promised myself to be careful what I say here, (nobody gets my sarcasim or feciousiousness <--is that a word?, or my strange sense of humor but, what have you produced besides that post, intense? As far as beats go, this album surpasses all but PB and CYH. Prodigy sucks IN MY OPINION, and if you like that shit, fine. I own a Barry Manilow cd. I'm not pointing fingers. But, if you consider the new album shit, I have to wonder if you can hear. (No offfense to the hearing impaired.) And, as far as the LTI lyrics go, we've all said things we wish we could take back, especially me. The difference is the time frame. 1986 and 1996 or whatever are 10 years apart and the lyrics are changed in live performances. And how friggin' bored am I to spend this much time arguing with a PRODUCER OF THE MEGASTARS! Guess I should go talk to a real person!!!!!!

P.S. Yeah, I make fun of MYSELF more than others. To the cool peeps on the board, I'm usually joking, I live to have fun and don't mean any harm.

Yeah I want the Cheezy Poofs!

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Old 10-06-2004, 09:15 AM
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Default Re: Ex-Prodigy disses Beastie Boys

yeah....i gotta side with those on this thread (intense, runoutgroove, ect) that feel that the boys were waaaaaaaay off that day in 98'.

the song was NOT meant to promote misogynistic violence....at all.
any more then saying "i'm gonna beat your punk ass" is diss to punk rockers.

the phrase "smack my bitch up" is to be taken in the same vien as "so good, makes you wanna slap your mamma" and such.
it's a GENERIC, exclammotory phrase that means "fire it up", ect.

Anyone with the tinyest bit of pop culture savy should be able to decipher this.....including the beastie boys.
and i HAVE to believe they knew this....unless they are truly out of touch with the world around them.
which is why i always thought that whole instance was a publicity stunt of sorts on the behalf of the Beasties...and a pander to the liberal "PC" left.
it really sucked.

and even if prodigy actually meant for the song to be pro-women beating.
so what?....
i am so fuckin sick of liberals and conservatives alike who claim that media (TV and music...books, ect) can induce violent activity.
does any moron out there truly believe the someone is going to hear "smack my bitch up" and say "ohh......man, it's about time i did smack my bitch up....yeah!!"
come the fuck on!!
anyone who does what a song or book or movie says ALREADY HAS A PREDALICTION TO VIOLENCE, ect. In other words, they are already fucked up.
it's not the media...it's the pre-existing mind.
media will not cause an otherwise law abiding, good natured person to commit violence. that's fucking ludicris and not backed up by a shred of scientific evidence. NONE!
name one REPEATED, substantiated study that shows this....

i can go on....but i'll wait for a reply to this.....

and please, no "but we as a society have to take a general stand against any negative messaging blah blah blah"

such vague, unsubstantiated "feel good" mantras......pathetic and shallow.
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Old 10-06-2004, 09:34 AM
iLL kID iLL kID is offline
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Default Re: Ex-Prodigy disses Beastie Boys

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Old 10-06-2004, 09:47 AM
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Default Re: Ex-Prodigy disses Beastie Boys

I thought some of you might find this interesting, considering the recent talk about the Prodigy and Smack my bitch up....

Act 2
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Old 10-06-2004, 11:11 AM
Yauch Yauch is offline
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Default Re: Ex-Prodigy disses Beastie Boys

wow, this thread got intense quick, no pun intended. (but while we're on the subject, is that you liam? that would be funny.)

ok, i am going to add a couple of things here.

first off, we didn't tell them not to play the song. we asked them if they would mind not playing it. that is not censorship, that is a conversation. the decision was always up to them.

secondly, the person who mentioned that there are misogynistic lyrics on LTI is right, and that is precisely the discussion we had with liam. it was basically from our side something like "back in the day some of what we said joking around was misunderstood... we learned from our mistakes... the song smack my bitch up really comes across to us like it is promoting violence towards women..." again, it was a discussion, not a demand.

third, you can say what the song means to you, and I can say what it means to me, but neither of us can say what it means to everyone. if you want to get a sense of what the song means, take a poll, ask a bunch of people what it means to them.

lastly, if you ask me, everything does have an effect in the world. If someone hears it, it has an effect. you are making me think by posting here, i'm making you think... every conversation, everything we listen to and see changes us a little.

i am not suggesting that we sensor people's music, but having conversations about what things mean or what effects they have on people is a good thing.
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Old 10-06-2004, 11:32 AM
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Default Re: Ex-Prodigy disses Beastie Boys

Originally Posted by Yauch

secondly, the person who mentioned that there are misogynistic lyrics on LTI is right, and that is precisely the discussion we had with liam. it was basically from our side something like "back in the day some of what we said joking around was misunderstood... we learned from our mistakes... the song smack my bitch up really comes across to us like it is promoting violence towards women..." again, it was a discussion, not a demand.
You see, that makes more sense. I think that's a very fair line to take on the matter. But the old saying by Plato was along the lines of; "The young need to make their own mistakes".

Again, out of interest, did you have a word with D12 at the MTV movie awards? I know they only played My Band (which in itself is a travesty), but given some of their output they are maybe more deserved of a quiet word than the Prodigy.


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Old 10-06-2004, 12:00 PM
lazerinyourear lazerinyourear is offline
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Default Re: Ex-Prodigy disses Beastie Boys

[QUOTE=Yauch" every conversation, everything we listen to and see changes us a little."

Damn, I wish I could come up with shit like that!

And, I love Mario Caldetto, Jr. just as much as anyone but i couldn't be happier with the TT5B release. Genius comes to mind. Great blend of expression, fun, and mad beats. An old school feeling is captured even if not intended. Fuck you lame, I mean liam.

Yeah I want the Cheezy Poofs!

Last edited by lazerinyourear : 10-06-2004 at 12:05 PM.
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Old 10-06-2004, 12:16 PM
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Default Re: Ex-Prodigy disses Beastie Boys

Originally Posted by Yauch

secondly, the person who mentioned that there are misogynistic lyrics on LTI is right, and that is precisely the discussion we had with liam. it was basically from our side something like "back in the day some of what we said joking around was misunderstood... we learned from our mistakes... the song smack my bitch up really comes across to us like it is promoting violence towards women..." again, it was a discussion, not a demand.

third, you can say what the song means to you, and I can say what it means to me, but neither of us can say what it means to everyone. if you want to get a sense of what the song means, take a poll, ask a bunch of people what it means to them.

lastly, if you ask me, everything does have an effect in the world. If someone hears it, it has an effect. you are making me think by posting here, i'm making you think... every conversation, everything we listen to and see changes us a little.
Ok, first....Yauch...i dig you. you seem like good people.
and i see your point.

but you're still repeating the same vague rhettoric i hear from far too many PC liberals....

things like "if you ask me, everything does have an effect in the world. If someone hears it, it has an effect." are very vague unsubstantiated statements.

what true negative effect does hearing "smack my bitch up" have on society or any individual?
it hurts their feeling?....it reminds them of past instances of thier lives?

tough!....why should they be coddled?.....why should they be pandered to?
don't go to the show...turn the station, ect.
if they misunderstand the meaning....THAT'S THERE FAULT! deal with it!

why should others be punished for that? (by having to endure censorship).

by asking Prodigy to please not play that song, you were asking them to censor themselves....plain and simple. end of story there.

this country is constantly putting "feelings" over facts....."feelings" over expression.
that causes so much damage in the politcal world, as well as the artistic world.
you, as an artist should recognize that.

you mention your early work on LTI....
tell me....did you actually mean any of those misogynistic remarks you made?....were they meant to be literal? even back then?
do you think any good-hearted kids heard those lyrics and changed thier whole philosophy on how to act in society?
of course not....there were just rap songs.......that's it.
they had little or no effect in that respect.

i think, unfortunately..artists sometimes put TOO MUCH stock in their songs...they think they have far more of an effect then they do.

music culture may influence fashion and/or some basic behavior in certain circumstances.
but behavior is BY AND LARGE is fueled by the direct enviroment we live in...and genetics. not rap songs.
music reflects....it doesn't dictate.

Last edited by Qdrop : 10-06-2004 at 12:24 PM.
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Old 10-06-2004, 02:40 PM
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Default Re: Ex-Prodigy disses Beastie Boys

Originally Posted by wints
Exactly. The point is not whether a man is going to hear the song and think "what a good idea", the point is that a woman (especially one who's been abused) might hear the song or just the title and think "Wow, that's not funny or clever, it just sounds like they're condoning violence against women." Don't condemn a person's natural response to something as "PC liberal rhetoric". I can avoid the Prodigy's concerts like the plague, and I do, but if I go to a Beastie Boys show I have a right not to expect to hear violent, hateful bullshit.
that is such complete bullshit.....
you have no idea, but you are well on your way to fascist thinking.

artists do not have a responsibility to not hurt people's feelings....for fuck sake, what is wrong with you people?

"but if I go to a Beastie Boys show I have a right not to expect to hear violent, hateful bullshit."

what the fuck planet are you from? if you go to a concert or festival, you think you have the RIGHT to not be offended?....what the fuck!?

you overly sensivtive elitist......grow some balls.

it's like going to a bar and demanding that no one in there be drunk...DUDE, IT'S A BAR....THERE ARE BOUND TO BE DRUNK PEOPLE THERE!!
it's goes with the territory....you know what you're gettin into.

i think people like this should just stay home, in there own little safe fantasy world.

when you, or yauch, or anyone else says "that offends me, and possibley other people.....can you not do that?"....that's forcing your veiws on other people....aka-mild facism.
yes, you're asking - not forcing....but the underlying ethic is there.

it comes down to choice....you can choose to buy an album or not...to go to a concert or not....to watch a video or not.....
you choose...
no one has the right to take that choice away...
you know what to expect when you do any of those things.....it's your life.

but that is what people like you try and do.....take that choice away from the rest of us because it offends you and a few others.
you try and take it upon yourself to SAVE these other people from hearing, seeing, reading something that YOU are just so sure is terrible and wrong.

hey, i'd be offended if I DIDN'T hear that song......don't i count?...don't my feelings count?

does ANYONE else on here understand what i'm saying?
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Old 10-07-2004, 02:15 AM
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Default Re: Ex-Prodigy disses Beastie Boys

I'm not going to waste time on any of the petty "I'm right and your wrong" or "the new album sucks" or "prodigy sucks!!" arguments. Its a waste of time because none of us are going to be able to change other peoples opinions, thats the futility behind much of today's arguments and the reason behind so much conflict and war.

Originally Posted by Yauch
secondly, the person who mentioned that there are misogynistic lyrics on LTI is right, and that is precisely the discussion we had with liam. it was basically from our side something like "back in the day some of what we said joking around was misunderstood... we learned from our mistakes... the song smack my bitch up really comes across to us like it is promoting violence towards women..." again, it was a discussion, not a demand.
Anyway, Yauch, are you saying you actually regret doing some LTI and Pauls Boutique songs like maybe "high plains drifter" where you rap about stealing cars, smacking a seven eleven guy in the head with a bag of ice or like you pulling a shotgun on Adrock in "paul revere". Or one of your absolute classics
Girls - to do the dishes
Girls - to clean up my room
Girls - to do the laundry
Girls - and in the bathroom
Girls - that's all I really want is girls

Thats what made you guys the kings in my opinion!!! That ability to make fun of the rap scene, to ham up the fact that you were rappers despite your geekiness and the fact that you were "a bunch of joeys" (i'm assuming you guys were sort of geeks because you dont look like sport superstars no offence, and you dont look like nerds). You guys let the general public know that what you say in your songs doesn't matter, its entertainment, its all a bit of fun.

This was further enhanced by your video clips which made fun of all spectrums of society while also having a sense of nostalgia towards movies and old cop shows and stuff. I thought you would be so against censorship....i gotta say i'm a little disillusioned with you Yauch. I know those Prodigy songs are also sort of roleplay too. I mean their songs can't be taken literally. Even now, after all your enlightenment and that you have a kid and you're married and stuff (I know you've probably matured more than most of us ever will, which i might add i'm not having a go at...) I thought you guys still had an abstract sense of humour, enough to be able to get the Prodigy's music. Or at least understand that its different horses for different courses.

We're gonna rock the universe for everyone!!!
Originally Posted by fucktopgirl
NOw i will go put my head in the blender for the enjoyment of all!

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Old 10-07-2004, 02:10 PM
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Default Re: Ex-Prodigy disses Beastie Boys

Originally Posted by Yauch
wow, this thread got intense quick, no pun intended. (but while we're on the subject, is that you liam? that would be funny.)

ok, i am going to add a couple of things here.

first off, we didn't tell them not to play the song. we asked them if they would mind not playing it. that is not censorship, that is a conversation. the decision was always up to them.

secondly, the person who mentioned that there are misogynistic lyrics on LTI is right, and that is precisely the discussion we had with liam. it was basically from our side something like "back in the day some of what we said joking around was misunderstood... we learned from our mistakes... the song smack my bitch up really comes across to us like it is promoting violence towards women..." again, it was a discussion, not a demand.

third, you can say what the song means to you, and I can say what it means to me, but neither of us can say what it means to everyone. if you want to get a sense of what the song means, take a poll, ask a bunch of people what it means to them.

lastly, if you ask me, everything does have an effect in the world. If someone hears it, it has an effect. you are making me think by posting here, i'm making you think... every conversation, everything we listen to and see changes us a little.

i am not suggesting that we sensor people's music, but having conversations about what things mean or what effects they have on people is a good thing.

Hey Adam, this is an example of how the internet can help public personalities directly clear things up about themselves that the media has changed or manipulated. Some of you public people should get together and creat some sort of webpage or forum that promotes against media manipulated information (considering public personalities specifically i mean). It could like maybe prevent some law suits. Say you don´t like something a magazine said for example,you can clear it up through this webpage thats open to all who care to see it, considering sometimes the media mess many safe reputations up for all the wrong reasons.
A mass communication instrument driven by the other side, you guys that is, the celebrities.

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But where do they belong anyway?
my imaginary friend thinks you have serious problems

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Old 10-08-2005, 04:03 PM
djeoinc djeoinc is offline
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Default Re: Ex-Prodigy disses Beastie Boys

hi yauch i enjoyed all your albums and i enjoyed your last one it highly influenced me i guess ye were really movin with the times
i've listen to dance a produced dance for the last 8 years now im getting out of it back in to hiphop hiphop has allways been my first choice going back to my roots but everyone intitled to there own opions its like with some things if stick your nose in your going to get burnt i try to be straight with people like i got into fights over other peoples problems
somethings are best left alone
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Old 10-07-2004, 10:09 AM
nicolajames1981 nicolajames1981 is offline
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Default Re: Ex-Prodigy disses Beastie Boys

Originally Posted by Qdrop
yeah....i gotta side with those on this thread (intense, runoutgroove, ect) that feel that the boys were waaaaaaaay off that day in 98'.

the song was NOT meant to promote misogynistic violence....at all.
any more then saying "i'm gonna beat your punk ass" is diss to punk rockers.

the phrase "smack my bitch up" is to be taken in the same vien as "so good, makes you wanna slap your mamma" and such.
it's a GENERIC, exclammotory phrase that means "fire it up", ect.

Anyone with the tinyest bit of pop culture savy should be able to decipher this.....including the beastie boys.
and i HAVE to believe they knew this....unless they are truly out of touch with the world around them.
which is why i always thought that whole instance was a publicity stunt of sorts on the behalf of the Beasties...and a pander to the liberal "PC" left.
it really sucked.

and even if prodigy actually meant for the song to be pro-women beating.
so what?....
i am so fuckin sick of liberals and conservatives alike who claim that media (TV and music...books, ect) can induce violent activity.
does any moron out there truly believe the someone is going to hear "smack my bitch up" and say "ohh......man, it's about time i did smack my bitch up....yeah!!"
come the fuck on!!
anyone who does what a song or book or movie says ALREADY HAS A PREDALICTION TO VIOLENCE, ect. In other words, they are already fucked up.
it's not the media...it's the pre-existing mind.
media will not cause an otherwise law abiding, good natured person to commit violence. that's fucking ludicris and not backed up by a shred of scientific evidence. NONE!
name one REPEATED, substantiated study that shows this....

i can go on....but i'll wait for a reply to this.....

and please, no "but we as a society have to take a general stand against any negative messaging blah blah blah"

such vague, unsubstantiated "feel good" mantras......pathetic and shallow.
No one I know in all of England uses the phrase "Smack my bitch up" as an exclamation. The only reason the Prodigy used that phrase in their toss song is because they knew us uptight Brits would go "OHMYGOD, thats soooooo controversial - let's ban it." The resulting publicity from this controversy lead to the single to be brought by all the sad little kids who think that buying controversial songs makes them cool. That is the only reason I think the Beasties were wrong to discuss not playing the song with the Prodigy - because it gave them exactly the kind of publicity they were relying on to sell their album. That's just my opinion!
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Old 10-07-2004, 10:11 AM
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Default Re: Ex-Prodigy disses Beastie Boys

Originally Posted by nicolajames1981
No one I know in all of England uses the phrase "Smack my bitch up" as an exclamation. The only reason the Prodigy used that phrase in their toss song is because they knew us uptight Brits would go "OHMYGOD, thats soooooo controversial - let's ban it." The resulting publicity from this controversy lead to the single to be brought by all the sad little kids who think that buying controversial songs makes them cool. That is the only reason I think the Beasties were wrong to discuss not playing the song with the Prodigy - because it gave them exactly the kind of publicity they were relying on to sell their album. That's just my opinion!
What bollocks! No-one banned it. They use it on Match of The Day for god's sake!


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Old 10-07-2004, 02:52 PM
Yauch Yauch is offline
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Default Re: Ex-Prodigy disses Beastie Boys

Originally Posted by nicolajames1981
No one I know in all of England uses the phrase "Smack my bitch up" as an exclamation. The only reason the Prodigy used that phrase in their toss song is because they knew us uptight Brits would go "OHMYGOD, thats soooooo controversial - let's ban it." The resulting publicity from this controversy lead to the single to be brought by all the sad little kids who think that buying controversial songs makes them cool. That is the only reason I think the Beasties were wrong to discuss not playing the song with the Prodigy - because it gave them exactly the kind of publicity they were relying on to sell their album. That's just my opinion!
true true, in retrospect maybe we really should have just let the whole thing alone, and let it fade away. but then again, this seems like a good thread, so maybe it was for the best as it gets people talking about things like this. i'll say one last thing on the topic and then i'm gonna leave it alone.

i don't think that we ever looked at it like someone was going to hear the song and run out and beat someone up right there and then. we were looking at it more like, songs like that have an effect over time. when you hear "smack my bitch up, smack my bitch up, smack my bitch up..." over and over again from a band that you like, it gets drilled into your head.

if someone is impressionable and looks up to the band, maybe it leaves them feeling like in certain cases it's ok to give a woman a smack. even if they don't smack anyone themselves, just feeling that it is ok to do that is destructive, because it makes that kind of activity just a little more acceptable in our society.

Again, i’m not saying that songs like that should be banned, but I do think that having discussions (like this one) about what affects they could have, are good.
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Old 10-07-2004, 04:00 PM
James Jupiter James Jupiter is offline
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Default Re: Ex-Prodigy disses Beastie Boys

Originally Posted by nicolajames1981
No one I know in all of England uses the phrase "Smack my bitch up" as an exclamation. The only reason the Prodigy used that phrase in their toss song is because they knew us uptight Brits would go "OHMYGOD, thats soooooo controversial - let's ban it." The resulting publicity from this controversy lead to the single to be brought by all the sad little kids who think that buying controversial songs makes them cool. That is the only reason I think the Beasties were wrong to discuss not playing the song with the Prodigy - because it gave them exactly the kind of publicity they were relying on to sell their album. That's just my opinion!
I hate that crap about the British being uptight. The US is much more uptight than Britain. A few examples: - In Britain the muff shot in 'Basic Instinct' wasn't cut out. Janet Jackson flashing her tit was show several times in the UK including on the news. No one tried to sue the TV stations for personal injury over it either (as happened in the US).

If some people think The Prodigy encouraged violence to women with the 'Smack My Bitch Up' track, couldn't it be said that the Beastie Boys encouraged criminal damage and theft by wearing VW car badges back in the 80s? I know people who stole VW badges in the 80s because the Beasties wore them.

Some people here will not listen to anyone else’s opinion no matter how relevant their points may be. They think that if The Prodigy had a disagreement with the Beastie Boys then The Prodigy must be in the wrong. The Beastie Boys can do no wrong in some peoples eyes.

I think everyone should agree to disagree. There is no point arguing about this ancient history.

I'm just off to play the 'Smack My Bitch Up' track really loud.
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Old 10-07-2004, 06:41 AM
j-dog j-dog is offline
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Default Re: Ex-Prodigy disses Beastie Boys

[quote=Intense]haha ok...

@dog..why should i care what a irrelevant rookie like u is saying? your cheap disses got no effect on me.

i presume you are referring to me or is there an @dog somewhere here? anyway, in what way am i AN irrelevant rookie? please explain. do you mean rookie as in a new beasties fan/prodigy fan/message board user? really in the dark here. i'll dash each one now anyway. hardly a new beasties fan, bought LTI and the singles when they came out. bought ...experience and singles when released. ok, maybe don't use the message board that much but was using the old one for a few years. don't feel the need to be a total fanatic. love the music and know what i need to know about the group. so, how am i a rookie?
ha, after all this you probably will be responding to an @dog on the board somewhere! if so, oops, my bad.
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