Old 11-16-2007, 04:01 PM
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Default Re: ring of power

Every rational person should be outraged by Cannabis prohibition, whether or not they have ever even considered smoking weed.

25 million Americans have admitted to smoking Cannabis within the last year. 25 million is a large number taken by itself, but it is still only one-twelfth of the entire US population. And only 1% of those people who smoke weed actually work to legalize it, so out of a total population of 300 million Americans, only about 250,000 people are seriously working to legalize Cannabis Sativa again.

Even though the majority of Americans support our soldiers and the sacrifices they make, over 70% of the voters in the US oppose the endless, illegal war that Cheney, Bush and Congress have lied us into. Over $600 Billion have been spent on the illegal invasion/occupation of Iraq, with no end in sight. Another $69 Billion are spent on the "War on Drugs" each year, with no end in sight.

Now look at this:
DEA Drug Scheduling

Schedule I
Substance - Marijuana
DEA Number - 7360
Other Names - Cannabis, marijuana

Schedule II
Substance - Cocaine
DEA Number - 9041
Other Names - Methyl benzoylecgonine, Crack

The most dangerous drugs that have no accepted medical value in the United States are Schedule I. If a drug is dangerous and has a high risk of abuse, but still has accepted medical value in the United States, then it is Schedule II.

Marijuana is Schedule I, and crack is Schedule II. The DEA actually considers crack cocaine to be a better medicine than Cannabis Sativa.
That's not a joke, even though its really, really funny.

The US Federal government is so mangled that it spends billions each year to try to wipe out Cannabis Sativa, imprisons millions of Americans (even those dying of cancer and AIDS), builds more prisons than schools, and wages endless, illegal war for oil, but has laws in place so that doctors are legally allowed to prescribe CRACK.

You should all be pissed off by this. The legalization of "Marihuana" saved the world from Hitler, and now innocent people are thrown into cages for it by the hundreds of thousands, while crack can be available by prescription.

You should all be pissed off enough to do something about this. You should all be so pissed off that you get off your computer and grow some pot.

Plant it outside your local police stations, fire departments, and town halls. Plant it at your schools, colleges, and churches. Grow it in your dorm rooms, closets, on your windowsills, in your garages, your front yards, backyards, riverbeds, and all open fields.

This is a revolution. We will show this deceitful government that no matter how many people they arrest or kill, no matter how much money they waste, no matter how many mercenary armies they hire, they will never defeat Cannabis.

Truth, justice, and common sense are on our side. So, while the Hollywood writers are on strike, please lend your support to this:


We're going to start collecting signatures for the California Cannabis Hemp & Health Initiative 2008 on November 26th. We need lots of volunteers so if you want to help out please go to the link below and make friends and send a message. Thanks!

- Jack Herer
Old 11-16-2007, 04:02 PM
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Default Re: ring of power

i found a picture of ericg
Old 11-16-2007, 04:06 PM
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Default Re: ring of power

Each button below will lead you to a site that will donate food to the hungry with just a click. This does not cost you a thing. Corporate sponsors have agreed to donate a ration of food each day that you click on their site. That is it. You click, lives are saved. 24,000 people die every day from hunger or hunger related causes, but you can help change that. Start saving lives today and everyday, click!


Last edited by ericg : 11-16-2007 at 04:30 PM.
Old 11-16-2007, 04:07 PM
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Default Re: ring of power

Originally Posted by Bob View Post
i found a picture of ericg

'fools can't see me...'
Old 11-16-2007, 04:08 PM
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Old 11-17-2007, 08:13 AM
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Default Re: ring of power

this thread is a prime example of why I left here.

and, at the same time, why i almost miss it.

Originally Posted by Nuzz
...to stretch your capacity for compassion for other people? Then again, I don't think you value that very highly. Not as highly as telling it like it is.
Qdrop HipHop Mix

Old 11-17-2007, 06:33 PM
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Default Re: ring of power

though they've only proven to be factioned off, half baked, on the fence, 'politically correct', mock up counter-balances, are the thousands of "democratic/ progressive" membership orgs up to speed enough to create one concerted voice ie floods of direct, in no uncertain terms letters etc to congress, to say the least?! oh, it's been done??

if an even bigger concerted voice existed, do you think that would convince fascists to change at this point? what a carrot. you're better off going back down the bunny hole until you figure what the... people gotta think and do much bigger than phoning and writing letters. you got unlimited amounts of money in a war machine secured and wrought by the world's biggest and filthiest bankers that know exactly wtf........ the whole country could stand in front of the white house and ultimately nothing would change except perhaps a new jail built. if you want to ever start thinking about actually doing something instead of trying to tell it, everything can be done. the mechanics of it all has to be changed. if you got real shit to say, put real money on it. bankrupt the monopoly man. create the biggest political legal action america's ever seen and see it through. it's not hard if so called professionals really get professional.

ultimately, all i've seen is remission - people who think reacting to reality is in forever talking about it to some extent, or rallying around somewhere, or making a living writing a book or singing a song. 10 years later................................. what do you got? if you haven't woken up by now... i've been saying for 10 years about most, be prepared for more nightmares than you ever even thought......... but sure as hell don't be surprised.


Last edited by ericg : 11-17-2007 at 06:36 PM.
Old 11-18-2007, 07:44 PM
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Default ring of power

Old 11-18-2007, 07:46 PM
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Old 11-18-2007, 07:48 PM
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Default Re: ring of power

The Second Annual
Boston Tea Party and Conference for 9/11 Truth!

December 15 &16, 2007

Building on the success of last year’s inaugural event, Boston 9/11 Truth is proud to present two days of 911 truth activism at this year’s Boston Tea Party and Conference for 9/11 Truth, to be held Saturday and Sunday, December 15 and 16, 2007. This year’s theme, “Scientists and Citizens Speak Out,” reinforces our commitment to the broadest exposure possible of the scientific, criminal and political issues being covered-up and/or ignored by our government and the media concerning the events of September 11, 2001.

The weekend’s events will kick off with a day-long conference on Saturday December 15 at Boston’s historic Faneuil Hall and is entitled, “The Destruction of World Trade Center Towers 1, 2 and 7: A Case for Controlled Demolition.” In this scientific look at the collapses, a panel of four well-known and credentialed science and engineering professionals will present the case that the government’s theories could not possibly be true and that most of the evidence points to the one theory that’s been completely avoided by the government and the media – controlled demolition.

The Truth Movement got a huge boost in 2007 when California architect Richard Gage, AIA, exploded onto the scene with Architects and Engineers for Truth” (AE911Truth). Opening the presentations on Saturday morning at one of America’s most famous meeting halls, Gage will be joined by long-time 9/11 researcher and former BYU physics professor Dr. Steven Jones, Underwriters Laboratories whistleblower Kevin Ryan, and new to the scene, Dr. Joel Hirschhorn, who in September 2007 came out with an unequivocal endorsement of the work of AE911Truth. Dr. Hirschhorn is formerly a professor of Metallurgy at the University of Wisconsin and was a senior staff member at the US Congressional Office of Technology Assessment from 1978 to 1991, testifying more than 50 times before congress on scientific issues. He is the author of several books, including, Delusional Democracy: Fixing the Republic Without Overthrowing the Government.” We enthusiastically welcome Dr. Hirschhorn to the growing list of distinguished scientists and true patriots who are willing to step forward and speak out on the 9/11 cover-up. The Conference will conclude with a panel discussion and Q&A session.

Volunteer activists from across New England are currently working hard on a campaign to impress upon the academic, architectural and engineering communities near Boston, the need for honesty in dealing with the scientific data related to the horrific crime on September 11. Huge efforts are being made to invite as many of these academics and professionals as possible to the Conference, to judge for themselves where the scientific evidence points. Your support of this event makes that possible. For information on the Conference and how to purchase tickets, visit http://boston911conference.eventbrite.com/ The sucess of this event depends on your support! Please purchase your tickets now, visit http://boston911conference.eventbrite.com/
Old 11-18-2007, 07:53 PM
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Old 11-18-2007, 07:54 PM
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Old 11-18-2007, 07:55 PM
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Default we the people foundation

Items Of Interest
This article is an update for our supporters regarding our continuing projects and to comment briefly on related developments.

The Landmark Right to Petition Lawsuit:
We The People v United States

On October 24, 2007, we reported that we had filed the Petition for Writ of Certiorari to the Supreme Court of the United States. As had been the case with all of our filings in the case, both at the District Court and at the Court of Appeals, our filing was submitted under the signature of both Mark Lane (attorney for all 1450 Plaintiffs except Bob Schulz) and Bob Schulz (pro-se). RIGHT-Click here to download the Petition and its Appendix.

We delivered the required forty copies of the Petition, together with the $300 filing fee, expecting the Court to assign a Docket Number, and expecting to receive the Government’s response Brief by the end of November.

Instead, the Court kept one copy of the Petition, and our check, and returned the other 39 copies. The Court wrote that under its rules only one name can be on each Petition. We were informed that we had the choice of either submitting forty copies of each of two Petitions, one from Mark Lane and one from Bob Schulz (together with an additional filing fee), or forty copies of one new Petition from Mark Lane (as attorney for all Plaintiffs, including Bob Schulz).

On Tuesday, November 13, 2007, we filed forty copies of a Petition from Bob Schulz and forty copies of a Petition from Mark Lane. The two Petitions are identical, except for the cover and the signature page.

By early next week the Court is expected to assign a Docket Number to the Petition. The Government will have thirty days to respond.

Within a week or two following the Government's response, and holidays permitting, the Court will decide if it will hear the case of We The People v United States and declare, for the first time in history, the Rights of the People and the obligations of the Government under the last ten words of the First Amendment.

The “6700” Lawsuit:
United States v. We The People

On October 24, 2007 we reported that the United States Court of Appeals had granted our requests for a stay of enforcement pending appeal and an order expediting the appeal from Judge McAvoy’s August 9 Summary Judgment ruling that our “Blue Folder” on the subject of wage withholding was not protected by the First Amendment’s Petition and Speech clauses, and that the Folder was a prohibited “tax shelter.”

We reported that we had filed our Brief on the merits with the Second Circuit Court of Appeals, that the Government was required to file its response on or before November 19, and that the Court directed that the matter be set to be argued during the week of December 31.

We expect to receive the Government’s Response Brief early next week. We will have a week to file our Reply Brief. Click here to access all the "6700" court documents.

The NCEL National Clean Election Lawsuit:
Full-Page Ad in Washington Times

On < November 4, 2007, we reported that WTP was spearheading a lawsuit against all 50 states to block machine and computerized vote counting in the 2008 primaries and general election and beyond, and to require paper ballots, hand marked and hand counted.

The states have been summoned by the United States District Court for the Northern District of New York to respond to the Complaint that was filed on November 1 by three registered voters from each state.

Thus far, three states have responded. As expected, they have filed motions to dismiss for “lack of jurisdiction.” We expect other states to do the same.

Before the early 1900’s there were no Political Party Primaries. Before 2000, the Party Primaries did not begin before the month of March. By 2004 the Party Primaries were getting underway in February. This year, in conjunction with the Political Parties, the states are scheduling the Party Primaries and Party Caucuses to begin in the first week of January! Click here for the latest calendar of Primaries and Caucuses.

It is common knowledge that unless a candidate for President of the United States of America finishes among the top three or four in the early primaries and caucuses, that candidate will have a very difficult time raising any more money to pay to get his or her message out to the People in the remaining states, especially in all of those states that Primary on “super Tuesday.”

The Political Parties appear to be moving up the dates of the early Primaries in order to impede the opportunity for early success by candidates who are not among the Party favorites, especially any “upstart” with an appealing message whose campaign is gaining momentum and money.

For this reason, the NCEL Plaintiffs are planning to file a motion asking the Court to expedite the proceedings and to delay the presidential Primaries pending resolution of the critical constitutional issues raised in the lawsuit..

To bring much needed attention about the NCEL lawsuit to the general public, the Foundation is running a full-page color ad in the upcoming edition of the Washington Times National Weekly Edition. The ad will be the "centerfold" of the edition.

We thank the Times for helping us with a discount so we can distribute this important message across our nation. We encourage all our supporters to consider subscribing to the Time's National Weekly Edition. Click here for more information about subscribing or giving the Times as a gift. Subscribers also receive access to premium online content.

Click here to see the Foundation's full-page color Washington Times> ad.

Please visit the new NCEL Lawsuit Information Center. NCEL Flyers are available to print out & distribute.

We urge everyone to consider a donation to help finance WTP's National Clean Elections federal lawsuit.


Last edited by ericg : 11-18-2007 at 10:15 PM.
Old 11-18-2007, 07:59 PM
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Old 11-18-2007, 08:01 PM
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gaviotas is said to have acoustic phenomena.
then there's a subway or some kind of station that has a walkway intersection with an arc. if you stand in the corner of the arc you can have a private conversation with a person in the opposite corner 20 or so feet away.

Old 11-18-2007, 08:01 PM
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Default russia fuels iran

Russia readies nuclear fuel bound for Iran

Moscow pushes ahead with plans to supply Tehran with uranium after release of IAEA report, Iran welcomes move, says Russian commitment to its nuclear program 'a matter of principle'

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Russia on Friday gave the clearest indication yet that it was ready to send uranium to fuel Iran's first atomic power station, upping the stakes in a diplomatic crisis surrounding Tehran's nuclear program.

Russia's state-run nuclear fuel producer said inspectors from the United Nations' nuclear watchdog would later this month start sealing nuclear fuel bound for the Bushehr plant, a major step to shipping the fuel to the Bushehr plant in Iran.

In a report on Iran issued on Thursday, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) said it had "made arrangements to verify and seal the fresh fuel foreseen (for Bushehr) on Nov. 26, before shipment of the fuel from Russia to Iran".

Russia has so far given no concrete date for when it will send the nuclear fuel to Bushehr, but says it would be sent six months before the plant's repeatedly delayed start-up.

According to Russian forecasts, the reactor at the plant could be started up in 2008 and nuclear fuel would have to arrive at the plant six months before that.

Iran: Russian approach encouraging

Iran's ambassador to Russia on Friday said nuclear fuel deliveries to the Islamic Republic were a "matter of principle", and hoped Moscow would send them soon.

"We hope that promises we have been receiving from official Russian representatives on such an important issue ... will soon be carried out and realized," Ambassador Gholamreza Ansari said.

The diplomat was speaking at a news conference held simultaneously with Russia's announcement on fuel inspections.

In Iran, nuclear officials welcomed the fuel delivery developments.

"Russia has formally informed (the IAEA) that it is ready for the Bushehr nuclear fuel in Russia to be checked and sealed on Nov. 26," IRNA quoted Mohammad Saeedi, deputy head of Iran's Atomic Energy Organization, as saying.

"This means, from a technical and legal point of view, the fuel for the Bushehr nuclear power plant is ready for transfer to Iran," he said.

The United States, Israel and key European Union nations suspect Iran is trying to build nuclear bombs.

But Russia, a veto-wielding member of the UN Security Council, says there is no evidence Tehran is seeking atomic weapons.

"Those offers we hear about the Bushehr AES from our Russian friends are encouraging for us," Ambassador Ansari said in Moscow.

"The issue of construction at Bushehr between Russian and Iranian societies is a matter of principle," Ansari said.

Tehran says a report by the IAEA this week has vindicated its repeated statements that its nuclear program was purely civilian and showed that there would be no basis for further discussion of it in the United Nations Security Council.

The IAEA report, released on Thursday, said Iran had made important strides toward transparency about its nuclear activity but had yet to resolve outstanding questions. It also said Iran had expanded uranium enrichment.
Old 11-18-2007, 08:03 PM
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Old 11-18-2007, 08:05 PM
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Default ah man, not mike

america can't even get the facts straight, nevermind electing an honest and good government. what chances do we have in progressing science?

Old 11-18-2007, 08:15 PM
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Old 11-18-2007, 10:22 PM
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Default ring of power

Here are some websites to register for that have movements, petitions and Class action lawsuits.




WTP Initiates National "Clean Elections" Lawsuit. OVERVIEW

N-CEL - All 50 states are being sued to prevent the use of computerized voting systems during the 2008 primary and general elections and beyond. The lawsuit seeks to halt the use of machine-based voting systems and vote counting procedures that hide the ballots and the counting of votes from the People.
The N-CEL complaint challenges the constitutionality of current voting procedures in the states, claiming that they "heighten the possibility of confusion, deception, frustration, and fraud." It contends that the existing practices are constitutionally deficient and prevent open, verifiable, transparent voting, and that the use of discredited electronic voting machines and flawed vote counting procedures drastically increase the likelihood of error and election fraud. The lawsuit calls for a visible chain of ballot custody with paper ballots kept in full public view throughout the voting, counting, and tallying process. The lawsuit asks the Court to prohibit the states from conducting elections that are not open, verifiable, transparent and machine and computer free.

The US Supreme Court has declared the meaning of the Right to vote, as guaranteed by the US Constitution. Individuals not only have the Right to cast a vote, they have the Right to cast an effective vote, meaning they have the Right to have their vote counted accurately. "We need to bring transparency and accountability to the voting process throughout the states," said Bob Schulz, who wrote the brief and is spearheading the nationwide effort. "We need to reclaim our vote and ensure that our voices are heard and that our votes are accurately counted. The only sure way to do that is to have the People, in the light of day, observe, verify, and secure the votes cast on paper ballots and to count those ballots before the public by hand." The ten states that have been sued thus far include New York, New Hampshire, Illinois, South Carolina, Florida, Ohio, Iowa, Texas, California and Oregon with additional states being added in the next modifcation of N-CEL .

http://w4sp.com/vote/ to learn more about N-CEL and ending Vote Fraud in America Now!!!

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GzPXer7946E (1 of 9)

Old 11-19-2007, 01:57 AM
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Default Re: ring of power

Honest question here, and I'm not trying to be a dick...but Eric, do you actually think people are reading all your stuff and looking at all your links?

Originally Posted by Dwayne Alozando Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho
Shit. I know shit's bad right now, with all that starving bullshit, and the dust storms, and we runnin' out of french fries and burrito coverings. But I got a solution that will fix everything!

Old 11-19-2007, 02:26 AM
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Default Re: ring of power

oh have we ever been through this
Old 11-19-2007, 02:38 AM
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Default Re: ring of power

I wouldn't know, it's hard to weed through this thread.

Originally Posted by Dwayne Alozando Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho
Shit. I know shit's bad right now, with all that starving bullshit, and the dust storms, and we runnin' out of french fries and burrito coverings. But I got a solution that will fix everything!

Old 11-19-2007, 02:43 AM
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it's the internet equivalent of vietnam
Old 11-19-2007, 08:15 AM
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Default Re: ring of power

this guy is fucking crazy! must be on speed or something, unemployed, and living in a shack by himself just reading all this conspiracy shit

some people have waaaaay too much time on their hands
Old 11-21-2007, 01:00 AM
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Old 11-21-2007, 01:01 AM
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Old 11-21-2007, 01:03 AM
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Old 11-21-2007, 01:06 AM
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