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adrockmelanie 03-23-2004 02:27 AM


Originally posted by funky49

i'm a dork



adrockmelanie 03-23-2004 02:28 AM


Originally posted by funky49

i'm a dork


Norm LaFonz 03-23-2004 03:35 AM

Here's me with cool shades...

Here's me with Tom Deadly......

Bitchamachacha 03-23-2004 10:16 AM

Funky 49 is pretty damn attractive.

*Adds him to HIT DAT SHIT list*

Sarky Devotchka 03-23-2004 10:59 AM


Echewta 03-23-2004 06:17 PM

Wiggum, Ralph 03-23-2004 06:24 PM

^ that is the weirdest fucking sign ever.

Echewta 03-23-2004 06:44 PM

I know! Its like the cig is huge!

cosmo105 03-23-2004 10:26 PM

sarky, your buttcheeks are as milky-smooth and beautiful as porcelain. bella!

cosmo105 03-23-2004 10:27 PM

chewie, ever get any of those shirts?

Wiggum, Ralph 03-23-2004 10:27 PM

ooooh, cosmo. I love it when you talk about buttcheeks.

cosmo105 03-23-2004 10:47 PM

i have a polaroid of my ass (that our sub took for our regular teacher so that she would know our names when she got back...she broke her leg right at the beginning of the semester and the sub wanted her to be able to match faces with names. i took one regular shot and one of my ass and distressed it, gotta love polaroid 600 film, so that there's a shining heart around my ass and it says "jessica r.'s buttcheeks.') that i'll scan just for you, wiggum.

Echewta 03-24-2004 01:25 AM

I haven't gotten the engrish shirt yet. I did get the bear drinking and having a smoke with "Rockin on your dime" and another one that says "I got keys coming from over seas." That made me laugh.

cosmo105 03-24-2004 03:34 PM

is that like hoes in dif'rint area codes?:confused:

Echewta 03-24-2004 04:39 PM

Echewta 03-24-2004 04:42 PM


Originally posted by cosmo105
is that like hoes in dif'rint area codes?:confused:
I have no idea. I just thought it was square so I bought it. Both shirts shrunkHere

DandyFop 03-26-2004 02:24 AM

My student radio days - my hair looks crimped!

little j 03-26-2004 08:00 AM

I really dont wanna be here today

HEIRESS 03-26-2004 04:14 PM

rad-ass hair dandy

and I like your frowns lil J

btowngoirish 03-26-2004 04:21 PM


miss soul fire 03-26-2004 04:23 PM

I don't know, but I have the impression btown never gets up of that chair. I think he's a robot.:D

Hey, thanks, venus venus. You're much betta! Hihihi.


ProfJIM 03-27-2004 03:47 PM

ProfJIM 03-27-2004 03:48 PM

my dog is all like "fuck you, im sitting here"

adrockmelanie 03-27-2004 06:10 PM


Originally posted by DandyFop
My student radio days - my hair looks crimped!

you look like you'd be so rad to hang out with.

....yes. i said rad.

adrockmelanie 03-27-2004 06:16 PM


Originally posted by ProfJIM

i heart you.

ProfJIM 03-27-2004 06:16 PM

i agree


mp-seventythree 03-28-2004 09:38 AM

Just thought I'd say Hi

mp-seventythree 03-28-2004 09:42 AM

oh yeah, and my Moncao poster rocks

DandyFop 03-28-2004 02:22 PM


Originally posted by adrockmelanie
you look like you'd be so rad to hang out with.

I think all the girls on the board should get together for a sleepover!!

And then we could take pictures and post them and all the guys would be like DAMN, but it wouldn't be a porn sleepover.


jimmyjrg 03-30-2004 02:27 AM

The Haircut

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