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Nygel 02-24-2004 03:34 PM

hey green earth al...i gotta pic...but i gotta email it to ya later

Dr Deaf 02-24-2004 04:55 PM

roby = speechless's like you're getting even more beautiful. </omg>

P of R 02-25-2004 03:39 AM


Originally posted by damaja
Cool pics. Where was that car show?
It was in my hometown of Gothenburg. I wish I could have taken more pics.

poist 02-25-2004 04:04 AM

Wow Roby RRRAAAWWWRRR *howls at full moon*

miss soul fire 02-25-2004 11:49 AM

Thanks a lot. Only you internet people to bust my ego.:D

And that's ok, marspappy. I was afraid my English was not clear enough. Hahaha. Sorry!

Al, what pictures do you want to post on sureshots?

That's another nice offer.

miss soul fire 02-25-2004 11:52 AM


Originally posted by mythago II
no, donīt cut it - super godawful pretty - holy shite
Thank you very much, but I meant that I already cut my hair. Hihi. Like 5 inches or so. It was longer.:D

cosmo105 02-25-2004 02:21 PM

sorry about the fuzzy focus

but my new shirt kicks your ass.

thanks to crystal for solving my picture-hosting woes.

paul jones 02-25-2004 05:14 PM

hey cosmo

is that Dark Helmet from SPACEBALLS?

it's just one of them images you have to look at a few times,that's all.


paul jones 02-25-2004 05:38 PM


thanks rhythm!..I haven't seen Lone it any good?

cosmo105 02-25-2004 09:50 PM

only one man would dare give me the raspberry...


yes, it is space balls. sorry about the crappy focus. my webcam is a punkass. it says:
Evil will always triumph, because good is dumb.

cosmo105 02-25-2004 10:04 PM

hahaha i just realized what pj was saying
it's Space Balls...rhthym fiction was just quoting the movie. Lone Star is bill pullman's character in it-a satire of both luke and han solo :D

Echewta 02-25-2004 10:54 PM

Los Angeles

China Town

Saturday Night

Chinese New Year

reggi 02-25-2004 11:44 PM

am i the only black in this board ?

paul jones 02-26-2004 07:56 AM


reggi am i the only black in this board ?
no, I don't think so Reggi

mythago II 02-26-2004 09:23 AM

tejana asked me to post this

this is what I think about it:

tejana 02-26-2004 09:41 AM

i drive most men to drinking, but myth was already there. . . so i guess i just drove him to smoking. :p thanks for the help, lucky strikes!

mythago II 02-26-2004 09:48 AM

disclaimer: I didnīt start smoking cause of the homo whoīs got a finger in your crack.

I get MORE free cigs tomorrow.

beastieangel01 02-26-2004 10:56 AM

tejana is BEAUTIFUL, no surprise there.

and myth, I dig the expression :D

btowngoirish 02-26-2004 12:29 PM

Heather that is the prettiest picture, you look awesome!! oh and Mythago I am starting to get a package together for you any requests?? Let me know, B-Town

Echewta 02-26-2004 12:41 PM


You are hot. Lets make babies.

Thank you,


tejana 02-26-2004 01:36 PM


Originally posted by mythago II
disclaimer: I didnīt start smoking cause of the homo whoīs got a finger in your crack.

I get MORE free cigs tomorrow.

ha! you're just jealous you don't have a homo fondling your buttocks, too.

echewtata, i was considering a compliment on your photo, but then you reminded me that you've never complimented me and you already owe me about 700 compliments as payback.
:p ha keeping score, hc

Echewta 02-26-2004 01:52 PM

I wanted to comment about the shake but you shouldn't make comments about girls shakes. :(

tejana 02-26-2004 02:06 PM

okay, i guess that's fair. but it ain't a milkshake anyway, it's called a Mambo Limosine, and is chock full o alcohol.

So i guess you've earned your compliment:

oh echewta, you look so lovely when your HEAD IS CUT OFF.


sincerely, your bloody valentine

Bob 02-26-2004 02:51 PM

it seems to have brought a boy to the yard

tejana 02-26-2004 03:03 PM

not really, no.

myth was correct with the HOMO label. just a drinking buddy!

dammit.:( :p

Frank Black 02-26-2004 03:13 PM


Frank Black 02-26-2004 04:48 PM

i suck the hotness out the sun

Echewta 02-26-2004 04:50 PM


Originally posted by tejana

oh echewta, you look so lovely when your HEAD IS CUT OFF.

A headless Echewta is an unhappy Echewta.

Thank you folks! Good night!

HEIRESS 02-26-2004 08:05 PM

Re: i suck the hotness out the sun

Originally posted by Frank Black

is rirv touching you in this picture

if so, mmmrawraaaaaekajtrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

beastieangel01 02-26-2004 08:24 PM

Re: i suck the hotness out the sun

Originally posted by Frank Black

this is the kind of picture that would get sex from me. if I were single that is.

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