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Lenore 03-08-2004 02:57 AM

its been a while...

brooklyndust 03-08-2004 03:40 PM

how do you post a picture?

bigblu89 03-08-2004 04:12 PM


Originally posted by brooklyndust
how do you post a picture?
What do you think guys? WHich question is posted more on this message board.

How do I post a picture?


Where is the "dick in the mashed potatoes" sample from?

In all seriousness...

When you post, next to the vB Code box, theres a button the says "IMG" just click that and past whatever the URL is from you picture hosting site is. Don't have an pictures saved on a host site, then you're really lost and I don't feel like explaing that far back.

mrbuddylee 03-08-2004 11:35 PM

HEIRESS 03-08-2004 11:37 PM


Echewta 03-09-2004 12:12 AM

I got keys coming from over seas

Echewta 03-09-2004 12:12 AM

Maui sucked.

HEIRESS 03-09-2004 12:14 AM

get out of the way dude, you are blocking the sunset


Echewta 03-09-2004 12:18 AM

too late :(

GreenEarthAl 03-09-2004 12:30 AM

Are you lying on the floor because your DUNK?!?! Look at you. All DRUNK. HAHAHAHA. DRUNk.

cosmo105 03-09-2004 01:53 AM

i didn't know you were the type of man that wears those shirts, echewta. the flowery ones. this changes everything.

Echewta 03-09-2004 08:26 AM

I only wear them in Hawaii and during afternoon tea.

miss soul fire 03-09-2004 08:28 AM

Hey, thanks for the nice comments. If I had an ego it would be busted right now!:D

HAHAHAHA! Echewta showed his ass, which means he's saying "I AM AN ASS" or maybe "KISS MY ASS" or "KICK MY ASS". Yeah, keep doing that!:p

And by the way, thanks. My blanket is very geekish. Hihi.

little j 03-09-2004 08:41 AM

your face is pretty and the hair cut just intensifies that.


i cut my bangs today.

tejana 03-09-2004 09:31 AM


Originally posted by miss soul fire

HAHAHAHA! Echewta showed his ass, which means he's saying "I AM AN ASS" or maybe "KISS MY ASS" or "KICK MY ASS". Yeah, keep doing that!

I don't see an ass in that picture. Just some very empty, very baggy kahaki shorts . . . :(


skinnybutphat 03-09-2004 09:45 AM


Originally posted by Echewta

Maui sucked.

'There is only 2 types of guys that wear shirts like that, gay guys and big fat party animals'.

Echewta, big fat party animal?

Echewta 03-09-2004 10:50 AM

Gay skinny party reptile.

Bitchamachacha 03-09-2004 11:35 AM

How the hell does one follow up such hot chicks and Echewta's ass?

This is how I felt Sunday:

This is me needing sleep REALLY BAD!

Bitchamachacha 03-09-2004 11:36 AM

And I have no fucking clue what this is supposed to be.

Props maybe?


TAL 03-09-2004 11:38 AM

I think you follow up VERY good.

Echewta 03-09-2004 11:47 AM

What kind of newspapers are on the table?

KingPsyz 03-09-2004 11:49 AM

looks like those coupons they stuff my mailbox with every other day

Bitchamachacha 03-09-2004 12:04 PM

Spanks, Tal!

Originally posted by Psyzmacgrafs
looks like those coupons they stuff my mailbox with every other day

Pizza coupons, a vitamin catalog, etc.

I now have a stack of DVD's and a cat behind me. Oh, and a Kim Possible action figure Aiedyn got in a Happy Meal.

Our table is an odds n' ends catcher.

Echewta 03-09-2004 12:14 PM

looks like you got good smooching lips.

Bitchamachacha 03-09-2004 12:56 PM

You just made my heart flutter, you dirty old man.

paul jones 03-09-2004 01:04 PM

Sexy Mom Alert!

bigblu89 03-09-2004 01:13 PM


Originally posted by Bitchamachacha
You just made my heart flutter, you dirty old man.
Nice tits... in your avatar.

Echewta 03-09-2004 01:20 PM

Dirty old man?
I don't own a long coat. You must be confussing me with Marsdaddy or Mythago.

I'm an angel.

ProfJIM 03-09-2004 01:31 PM

Re: eaghhhhhhhh

Originally posted by HEIRESS


miss soul fire 03-09-2004 01:52 PM

That shirt actually covered way too much Chewe's ass! But you are definitely on the way of the sunset!! And how the hell am I sure this is you? What a bastard.:p

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