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adrockmelanie 10-07-2003 05:08 PM

i probably would've been pretty upset by now if i was you, alruggs. really. then again, things probably bother me a lot more easy than they bother you. oh well. you're taking this nicely. that's all i'm trying to say.

Waus 10-07-2003 06:17 PM

To be honest I'd be madder if I were little J. I'm sure Alruggs realizes it's all in good fun, no one means to offend. Right?

KingPsyz 10-07-2003 06:36 PM

i can tell you guys, she would probablly apreciate it if ya'll backed off a bit from it
but as long as people do it in good fun and dont make her grandma look nasty or ugly, then she's semi-ok with it from what i have gathered

Big Gus 10-07-2003 08:08 PM

Cool, no more Alruggs gran photoshopping from me.

little j 10-08-2003 12:54 AM


Originally posted by Beck


i hope im as cute as alruggs granny when i get to be her age.

little j 10-08-2003 01:33 AM

Good Morning!

Big Gus 10-08-2003 02:08 AM

The massive bar owns, fuck you cracka!

Wiggum, Ralph 10-08-2003 04:35 AM


Originally posted by Collin

I'm gonna have nightmares....

miss soul fire 10-08-2003 04:41 AM

Press F 11 and everything will be just FINE!!!:D

alruggs 10-08-2003 05:18 PM

I have a good sense of humor about it because my grandma would probably have a good sense of humor about it. I come from a long line of funny people. Like Psy said, just don't be offensive, that's all I ask.

King of Rock 10-08-2003 10:15 PM

Is Psyzmac your official spokesman?

venusvenus123 10-09-2003 01:57 AM

i think so

King of Rock 10-09-2003 03:43 AM


Originally posted by Kate
psyzmac's all "i sleep with alruggs :cool:*winknudgescore*:cool:"

adrockmelanie 10-09-2003 09:21 AM

me and my little sister, caitlin. she wasn't in the best mood when the picture was taken the other night. the guy that's been flirting with her for the past week just got a girlfriend. she's pretty upset.

that's us, though.

Jane* 10-09-2003 10:28 AM

any g-ma that's not afraid to sport hot pink cat-eyes has got to be pretty cool.

alruggs 10-09-2003 10:31 AM

She looks better in them than I do. :(

mrbuddylee 10-09-2003 11:00 AM

Wiggum, Ralph 10-09-2003 12:00 PM

^ haha

Big Gus 10-10-2003 01:03 AM

Even the camera looks stoned here.

saz 10-10-2003 04:14 AM

The shirt and framed single on the wall.....

Big Gus 10-10-2003 04:28 AM


I still own both. The single was the gold vinyl edition, it's worth a lot now.

I wish they never re-issued the track when they got "big" though, that disc would be worth hundreds!

Echewta 10-10-2003 04:33 AM

Respect the shirt or die trying.

KingPsyz 10-10-2003 02:18 PM


insertnamehere 10-10-2003 03:09 PM

hmm... i thought big gus would be... well, big. he does appear to have really long fingers though, so we're like twins!

Tzar 10-10-2003 07:00 PM


Originally posted by insertnamehere
hmm... i thought big gus would be... well, big. he does appear to have really long fingers though, so we're like twins!
maybe he's big somewhere else:confused:


insertnamehere 10-11-2003 04:01 AM

i want photographic evidence!

insertnamehere 10-11-2003 04:39 AM

it's another one of me...

Tzar 10-11-2003 02:51 PM


alruggs 10-11-2003 03:52 PM


Originally posted by Tzar
maybe he's big somewhere else:confused:


Please refrain from talking about other boy member's members.

BeastieGuy 10-11-2003 06:20 PM

Thats me!

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