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little j 10-17-2003 01:13 AM

good morning y'all

god its early

paul jones 10-17-2003 11:59 AM

your hair looks good

Lenore 10-17-2003 12:50 PM

Re: good morning y'all

Originally posted by little j

god its early

i think this is the nicest pic i've seen of you, jess. ;)

adrockmelanie 10-17-2003 08:19 PM

wow, you are so pretty, lil j.

insertnamehere 10-18-2003 05:40 AM


wow dusty brain, you're really skinny

Echewta 10-18-2003 06:02 AM

I always knew Dusty was a puss.

Lenore 10-18-2003 06:24 AM


Originally posted by BeastieGuy
I like your beautiful face. :)
missed that... thanks!

BeastieGuy 10-18-2003 05:46 PM

Your a sweet heart.

Derek Jeeter 10-18-2003 05:52 PM

You are too ;)

BeastieGuy 10-18-2003 07:23 PM

Derek Jeter is a HOTTIE, I'd do him. Oh wait, no. I'm not gay.

Dr Deaf 10-19-2003 04:49 AM

that's a pretty picture of you lenore.

Lenore 10-19-2003 08:41 AM

thanks, hun. :)

Lenore 10-19-2003 02:46 PM


Originally posted by Auton
horrible picture
you fucking horrible prick. you should be shot for posting that. :mad:

mrbuddylee 10-19-2003 03:05 PM


Originally posted by Lenore
you fucking horrible prick. you should be shot for posting that. :mad:
what you dont want to beleve that kinda shit goes on .

Auton 10-19-2003 03:09 PM


Originally posted by Lenore
you fucking horrible prick. you should be shot for posting that. :mad:
Yeah... shows all sorts of horrible shit like that. Get a fuckin life.

HEIRESS 10-19-2003 04:26 PM

you stupid fucks

get your oh so funnily out of place pictures out of my thread

tejana 10-19-2003 04:36 PM


Originally posted by Auton
Yeah... shows all sorts of horrible shit like that. Get a fuckin life.
hey fuck head, if i wanted to see it, i would go to that website.


Auton 10-19-2003 04:43 PM

OK. I apologize. I'll delete that picture. I would like Lenore to do the same, but she can still leave in the insulting-me part. Yeah, it was totally inappropriate for any part of the board, especially the family album thread. sorry.

BeastieGuy 10-19-2003 05:00 PM

Hey Auton. Way to take it like a man. I would have got all pissed off and been like, "fuck you" your cool.

Auton 10-19-2003 05:03 PM

I really feel like an asshole now.

Echewta 10-19-2003 06:45 PM

"Crap, that wasn't fun to see at all. Delete your reply too Lenore."
Is what I originally was going to post. Instead, its good that some of you saw that. A reminder of what happens without you knowing it or choosing to ignore it and pretend it doesn't. Take a good look at that "face" and imagine the life that being has. I'm sure they don't "unscrew" him/her so that the end of a hard days work of being poked and tested on, they can goto their bed and wait for the next day. I'm sure the scientist turn out the lights at night so they can go home to their nice place while that monkey/chimp/etc. stays in that position for the rest of its life until it dies.
Defend it all you want or call me a puss but it just goes to show the hole in your heart, not mine.

Lenore 10-19-2003 07:18 PM

thank you for deleting.

Auton 10-19-2003 08:24 PM

It was totally wrong for me to post it in the first place.

adrockmelanie 10-20-2003 10:08 AM


Originally posted by Echewta
"Crap, that wasn't fun to see at all. Delete your reply too Lenore."
Is what I originally was going to post. Instead, its good that some of you saw that. A reminder of what happens without you knowing it or choosing to ignore it and pretend it doesn't. Take a good look at that "face" and imagine the life that being has. I'm sure they don't "unscrew" him/her so that the end of a hard days work of being poked and tested on, they can goto their bed and wait for the next day. I'm sure the scientist turn out the lights at night so they can go home to their nice place while that monkey/chimp/etc. stays in that position for the rest of its life until it dies.
Defend it all you want or call me a puss but it just goes to show the hole in your heart, not mine.

that's so sad. that picture almost made me cry. :( that's just awful.

Auton 10-20-2003 10:10 AM


alruggs 10-20-2003 01:00 PM

I think Auton needs to post a pic of himself.

tejana 10-20-2003 01:39 PM

echewta, putting stuff like that in the Family Album thread is rude, that's my point. you're arguing a separate point entirely. don't be throwing that 'hole in the heart' crap out so readily. bah. you're post upset me more than auton's.

really folks, if you want to post something crazy, put it in a thread that lets people know that it ain't G-rated before they click. Sex or gore.

I care because 1) I am a wuss about any surgery/anatomy type pics; 2) when i access this site from my work computer, i don't want any external references or whatever you call them LINKS to something that is gonna get me in trouble.

auton, thanks for removing it.

Auton 10-20-2003 02:19 PM


Originally posted by alruggs
I think Auton needs to post a pic of himself.
So everyone can see the face of evil? :(

alruggs 10-20-2003 02:20 PM


Originally posted by Auton
So everyone can see the face of evil? :(
No. I'm just curious. I'm pretty sure you've been forgiven.

BeastieGuy 10-20-2003 02:26 PM


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