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Caribou 07-23-2007 01:45 PM

Re: The Family Album

Originally Posted by cmute rhyme (Post 1492772)
This is me, and my band...

Many girls want to be carnal with me... because I'm such a premium dancer!

Aww, Eugene! I love Eugene. (Hence the avatar).

Seen him live 3 times now. Bruizing gets more severe with every show. Looking forward to see him in November.

btw, have you read the book?

Caribou 07-23-2007 02:23 PM

Re: The Family Album
Really, you must read the book!
I also watched the film first, but the book tells so much more about Alex. Some quite shocking things. And the other storylines are beautiful. It's a bit difficult to get through at first, but don't let that put you off.

kll 07-23-2007 02:30 PM

Re: The Family Album

Originally Posted by Slimm (Post 1492638)
here guys heres a pic with me and some white people too lol

lets put it this way...lets say we were at a bar drinkin .

and we were talkin about hip hop /rap and how I like tribe and de la and pharcyde and gza etc etc..

and i said thats the good ol hip hop shit.

this other stuff like mims and that I aint feelin that Rap stuff.

then a dude like LoLyfe overhears this comes over to me and goes "your a fuckin idiot"

well you know what...wasnt me lookin for the problems.

if he had the balls to come over to say anything to me in person ..which i highly doubt.

Tony (the black guy) is an owner of many business and clubs..


there's a black guy in this photo?

Dorothy Wood 07-23-2007 03:02 PM

Re: The Family Album
all those white dudes acting like black dudes add up to one black dude.

they are tony. tony is they.

g-mile7 07-23-2007 03:22 PM

Re: The Family Album
Black Pride baby, Black Pride

b i o n i c 07-23-2007 06:10 PM

Re: The Family Album
word to our materes

b i o n i c 07-23-2007 06:13 PM

Re: The Family Album
i know owners too.

word to our paters

Bob 07-23-2007 06:23 PM

Re: The Family Album

TurdBerglar 07-23-2007 06:25 PM

Re: The Family Album
im still totally confused on what is going on

Randetica 07-23-2007 06:56 PM

Re: The Family Album
read slimm's thread in the music forum or better dont

skinnybutphat 07-23-2007 07:39 PM

Re: The Family Album

Bob 07-23-2007 07:42 PM

Re: The Family Album

Originally Posted by Slimm (Post 1492988)

you guys have me pegged for someone im not.

but how can you explain to people you dont know.

its all good , im not hidin ..nor do i have fake alias like someone else i know

hey man ,if im gonna diss your city, call you a moran , and an idiot , fag whatever....before i said anything violent , just cause i like hip hop ..

well hey here i am .


skinnybutphat 07-23-2007 07:49 PM

Re: The Family Album
It just doesn't get any better than people misspelling moron while attempting to show their intellectually superiority.

Suavee-Bolo 07-23-2007 10:07 PM

Re: The Family Album

Originally Posted by Slimm (Post 1492638)
here guys heres a pic with me and some white people too lol


Italians or Slavs are not white people.

insertnamehere 07-23-2007 11:14 PM

Re: The Family Album

Originally Posted by Suavee-Bolo (Post 1493053)
Italians or Slavs are not white people.

Dad? I didn't know you posed up here too!

ericlee 07-23-2007 11:33 PM

Re: The Family Album

Originally Posted by Slimm (Post 1492639)
hahahaha , a C.O. huh Correctional Officer..wanna be cop

I think you're a hater....bro i m serbian originally from serbia (war , not hood shit)

don't talk violence with me ...go over there , come back, then talk .

crack dealers lol . I'll go anywhere you want bro..let me know , if you think i'm a phony ...i'm not allowed to leave the country , but for you i will trust me


A correctional officer is about the best honest job I could find living in Louisiana at the time. Wanna be cop? However you put it. If I wanted to be a cop then I would have been one. 8 years in the military is enough background to be a cop, I suppose but I've never wanted to be one.

I like the fact that being a correctional officer, you've got the chance to try to help people to not end back up in the joint. Of course, it's people like you who don't seem to learn and talk about jail as if it were a good thing.

And WTF would I want to hang in Serbia for? There's no money in that. I needn't even try to prove myself. I know what I'm made of already.

I'm saying you. All this talk of violence and shit just cause someone called you a name. Why don't you join the military. Do something with you life instead of being some punk trying act all gangsta and posting some stupid pics defending yourself. Christ's sakes, you can't even freakin spell and this is a message board. You know, where people spell things.


trust me
Funniest words to ever come out of an inmate

Bob 07-24-2007 12:10 AM

Re: The Family Album

Originally Posted by skinnybutphat (Post 1493024)
It just doesn't get any better than people misspelling moron while attempting to show their intellectually superiority.

you wouldn't think so, but slimm consistently finds a way

abcdefz 07-24-2007 08:44 AM

Re: The Family Album

Originally Posted by skinnybutphat (Post 1493024)
It just doesn't get any better than people misspelling moron while attempting to show their intellectually superiority.

..I think he was referring to Erin Moran from Happy Days. I think.

abcdefz 07-24-2007 08:45 AM

Re: The Family Album

Originally Posted by CoolDog182 (Post 1493136)

...are you guys all thinkers or suicidal or... I think I missed something. Why's everyone indicating their noggins?

Except the guy indicating the Fosters.

And the guy just smoking and laying out altogether.

abcdefz 07-24-2007 08:55 AM

Re: The Family Album

Originally Posted by CoolDog182 (Post 1493145)
Lol, it's sort of a running trademark for me and my group of friends. It sorta just caught on.........all the way through 3 years! lol

yeah, when loz gets battered (the guy smoking)he gets very battered, hence the 'wtf' moment I think.

Got it. (y)

Thanks for the explanation. I wasn't being critical, just wondering.

Travis says hi, by the way.

abcdefz 07-24-2007 09:04 AM

Re: The Family Album

Originally Posted by cmute rhyme (Post 1493148)
I really do like bacon. Maybe you could work that in somehow?


That'll do, mute. That'll do.

Lex Diamonds 07-24-2007 11:52 AM

Re: The Family Album
I've got nothing better to do, so you can have some pictures from my holiday.


A disappointing restaurant

Lurking in the shadows

Drunken pool-based nudity

Smoking IS cool

Knuckles 07-24-2007 07:16 PM

Re: The Family Album
Sometimes I forget how much fun it was to be young. :(

Nice pics Padster(y)

Randetica 07-24-2007 07:42 PM

Re: The Family Album
nice but wheres the promised beer belly?

Kid Presentable 07-24-2007 10:22 PM

Re: The Family Album

Originally Posted by The Padster (Post 1493248)
I've got nothing better to do, so you can have some pictures from my holiday.


A disappointing restaurant

Lurking in the shadows

Drunken pool-based nudity

Smoking IS cool

sweet pics, man. looks like fun.

Auton 07-25-2007 12:14 AM

Re: The Family Album
yeah, nice job bro (y)

na§tee 07-25-2007 02:57 AM


Originally Posted by CoolDog182 (Post 1493136)
This is me and my friend rach making coffee/blackcurrant/gin shakes.

BLEEEUURRRGGHHHH! ew. that just screams "CURDLE!" to me.

now, what padster's drinking, yes please. one glass of sangria for me ta.

ericlee 07-25-2007 03:06 AM

Re: The Family Album

ericlee 07-25-2007 03:19 AM

Re: The Family Album

Originally Posted by CoolDog182 (Post 1493659)
Lol, you wear a hat indoors? Don't you get some sort of a curse for that or is that umbrellas *rhianna comes knocking on my back door*

Ah, it's either wear the hat indoors or blind ya with my sunlight reflective forehead, being that the sun was screamin through my windows, even with the blinds closed.

Freakin' old age gave me a drive in theater projection screen for a forehead.

I have a feeling RimjobeticA will laugh at this.

ericlee 07-25-2007 03:39 AM

Re: The Family Album

Originally Posted by CoolDog182 (Post 1493663)
I like bald heads. Nay, I love touching bald heads.

Yeah, and Ima go ahead and pretend I didn't even read that now......

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