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Otis Driftwood 08-22-2006 08:02 AM

Re: The Family Album
Rabid is not the exact description... :D

beastieangel01 08-22-2006 10:36 AM

Re: The Family Album

Originally Posted by alruggs
My baby sister got her MBA on Saturday!

older sister, baby sister, me

you look spectacular.

congrats to your baby sister :)

alruggs 08-22-2006 10:57 AM

Re: The Family Album
Y'all are makin' me blush. :o

AdRockGRL 08-22-2006 11:18 AM

Re: The Family Album

Originally Posted by Freebasser
Don't try and pretend that you aren't holding the camera with your other arm.

You are so nice! Why i should be interessed in pretending?
Anyway...think whatever you like :D

b-grrrlie 08-22-2006 01:02 PM

Re: The Family Album

Originally Posted by Bitchamachacha
I went to Winston-Salem Friday night and enjoyed a few drinks with some friends.....

beastiegirrl101 08-22-2006 01:38 PM

Re: The Family Album
Bitcha don't you find it to be a pain in the ass to have bangs with curly hair? I just cant pull it off . ..

ToucanSpam 08-22-2006 01:50 PM

Re: The Family Album

Originally Posted by alruggs
Y'all are makin' me blush. :o

You look nice, though. Take it all in and enjoy it.

Planetary 08-22-2006 01:56 PM

Re: The Family Album

Originally Posted by Bitchamachacha


Freebasser 08-22-2006 02:16 PM

Re: The Family Album

Originally Posted by AdRockGRL
Anyway...think whatever you like :D

I can't. I have a guinea pig sitting in my skull, working the controls.

na§tee 08-22-2006 02:20 PM

alruggs! long time no pictorial see! nice! purdy purdy!

bitcha; haha! lovely pics. you look so classy and elegant with your cosmo and then it just degrades into drunken awesomeness. loves it!

SobaViolence 08-22-2006 04:49 PM

Re: The Family Album
i hear it's expensive


Planetary 08-22-2006 05:45 PM

Re: The Family Album

Originally Posted by Ms Crafty
it's not as expensive as london is if you work out how many euros it is to the pound.

the weed at Barney's was quite expensive but you're paying for quality weed so you get what you pay for. Barney's was recommended to me because they've won prizes for their weed

you dont realise how much i actually want to go their right now.

tracky 08-22-2006 05:48 PM

Re: The Family Album

Originally Posted by Otis Driftwood
Rabid is not the exact description... :D

hahaha my thoughts exactly...

Drederick Tatum 08-22-2006 05:50 PM

Re: The Family Album
Amsterdam on New Year's is the closet I've come to a war zone. so many fire crackers that the ground is literally all red with the paper. Some guy had made his own firework launcher with about 40 tubes that held a rocket each and he was going to fire them off one of those canal bridges down the canal. He lights it and it shoots a couple down the canal, but then the force of these fireworks knocks his launcher off its perch at a perfect 90 degree angle and now it's facing directly down the road where we're watching from. So now it's firing down a crowded narrow street like the one pictured, and everyone one is sprinting away from the thing as rockets whizz past our heads.

kinda like the running of the bulls in Pamplona but with fireworks and while completely blazed.

Drederick Tatum 08-22-2006 06:12 PM

Re: The Family Album
DIY fireworks are always guaranteed to cause mayhem. you're lucky that you were on a beach. my girlfriend and I ended up cowering in a doorway as these things screamed past and exploded further down the road. felt like I was in fuckin Sarajevo or something. I don't think anyone one was hurt, but my mellow was seriously harshed.

Bitchamachacha 08-22-2006 07:46 PM

Re: The Family Album

Originally Posted by beastiegirrl101
Bitcha don't you find it to be a pain in the ass to have bangs with curly hair? I just cant pull it off . ..

I'm trying to grow them out, and right now they are at the "What the fuck?" stage. They have a mind of their own.

And damn it! I swallow, asshats.


Bitchamachacha 08-22-2006 07:48 PM

Re: The Family Album

Originally Posted by na§tee
bitcha; haha! lovely pics. you look so classy and elegant with your cosmo and then it just degrades into drunken awesomeness. loves it!


I believe I pee'd out my "classy" at the bar.

HEIRESS 08-22-2006 09:50 PM

Re: The Family Album

Originally Posted by beastiegirrl101
Bitcha don't you find it to be a pain in the ass to have bangs with curly hair? I just cant pull it off . ..

I do!

blowdrying and then pinning them down until they are behaving works

as well as buying one of those handy lil blowdryer curler things to straighten them does too

but really its not about straightening them totally, I like leaving them alone a bit so they flip out and do their own fucked up thing, works for me anyways

ampm 08-23-2006 07:36 AM

Re: The Family Album

Originally Posted by Bitchamachacha

Are you with Chastity Bono?

Helen_22 08-23-2006 07:37 AM

Re: The Family Album
Amsterdam's so much cheaper than London etc. Nice pictures, that's like 5 minutes from my old house...:-)

Helen_22 08-23-2006 07:44 AM

Re: The Family Album
You all probably don't remember me anymore...for the few who have been here for ages, here's an update:

PS, yes, living in Amsterdam's great. But no, don't ask me about coffeshops because i just don't smoke spliffs. :-)

icy manipulator 08-23-2006 08:22 AM

Re: The Family Album
nup, cant say i remember you

Helvete 08-23-2006 08:28 AM

Re: The Family Album
I remember you, you posted a picture of you lying on some big pillow or something. Yeah. Amsterdam is fun, I like riding bikes around the city and Vondelpark. Someone stole my bike though. Well, I say my bike, I bought it the morning prior off some crackhead for 10 euro.

Rancid_Beasties 08-23-2006 08:31 AM

Re: The Family Album
I remember the easy mac (y)

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