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Helvete 01-03-2011 11:29 AM

Re: The Family Album
What, are you 12? Snow is not fun.

Schmeltz 01-03-2011 12:11 PM

Re: The Family Album
The only people who think winter is anything less than a savage, inhuman ordeal are people who have never actually experienced a real one.

Adam 01-03-2011 12:19 PM

Re: The Family Album

Originally Posted by Helvete (Post 1750362)
What, are you 12? Snow is not fun.

You're only as old as the person you're feeling.

Helvete 01-03-2011 12:39 PM

Re: The Family Album
Oh snap! Wish I had a 12 year old to roll around in the snow with...

TurdBerglar 01-03-2011 02:08 PM

Re: The Family Album
what the hell is wrong with some of you people. snow at that degree is absolutely maddening.

it's not pretty. it's not fun.

it's stark, bleak and depressing. everything is the same color.

then it turns into piles of shit as it slowly melts. then it refreezes and now you have shitbergs littering the landscape.

in new england you can get snowbanks 5 feet tall in front of your driveway when plow after plow drives by and just burries you in. then the next storm hits the following week and just adds to the shit.

in large parking lots you often see mountains of shitty snow a good two stories tall taking up a quarter of the parking lot.

jabumbo 01-03-2011 04:32 PM

Re: The Family Album
we got hammered with the snow last february. it was absolutely terrible to try and get anywhere for about a week. when it finally started to clear up, we got a bit more and it sucked even worse.

snow sucks even more when you live at the bottom of a hill...

checkyourprez 01-03-2011 08:42 PM

Re: The Family Album
drink it bitch.

checkyourprez 01-03-2011 08:45 PM

Re: The Family Album
snow fucking rules.

i love it. the more the better. i like shoveling. its good for you it brings me closer to nature, like suvivorman. plus i tend to smoke in the winters and not really much in the summers. tend to booze more. and i like the la so i dont mind just coolin and looking at the scenery.

hpdrifter 01-04-2011 10:57 AM

Re: The Family Album
I love when it snows. It makes everything so cozy and quiet.

GreenEarthAl 01-15-2011 01:26 PM

Re: The Family Album

Originally Posted by The Padster (Post 1748812)
Saw Dub FX twice in the last week, once at a big club venue and the 2nd a secret gig in a bar. These pictures are from the first one, but at the 2nd he chilled with me before and chatted for like 20 minutes/bought me a drink. He's a very cool guy indeed (his girlfriend Flower Fairy is awesome too). See if you can spot me- not hard.


GreenEarthAl 01-15-2011 01:32 PM

Re: The Family Album
I have just had a contest with an extremely unpleasant computer virus in which I was not victorious. As a result I have no recent pictures handy. I will now instead post this link to a brief motion picture of me talking about band shtuff.

Bob 01-15-2011 01:50 PM

Re: The Family Album

Originally Posted by hpdrifter (Post 1750422)
I love when it snows. It makes everything so cozy and quiet.

for like a day. then you have to trudge to work in grey shitty muck that gets all over your shoes and pants for the next two weeks. if it's really bad it melts into nasty puddles that you have to either leap over (hoping there's no ice on the other side but there probably is) or step through and hope it doesn't seep through and get your foot wet

checkyourprez 01-15-2011 03:01 PM

Re: The Family Album

Originally Posted by Bob (Post 1751147)
for like a day. then you have to trudge to work in grey shitty muck that gets all over your shoes and pants for the next two weeks. if it's really bad it melts into nasty puddles that you have to either leap over (hoping there's no ice on the other side but there probably is) or step through and hope it doesn't seep through and get your foot wet

just dont get so shitfaced and stumble through the slush bobert.

Ty Webb 01-20-2011 09:51 PM

Re: The Family Album
stoner metal

HEIRESS 01-21-2011 10:54 AM

I will run you into the boards.

DIGI 01-21-2011 11:49 AM

Re: The Family Album
Good Lord. Chicks with sticks.

kaiser soze 01-21-2011 12:47 PM

Re: The Family Album
so that's how you get someone off the puck - jam the stick up their ass eh?

ericlee 01-21-2011 04:42 PM

Re: The Family Album

Originally Posted by Ty Webb (Post 1751356)
stoner metal

Post a link of some of your shit please.

camo 01-23-2011 12:52 PM

Re: The Family Album

Originally Posted by ericlee (Post 1751391)
Post a link of some of your shit please.

or some of your music please.

NicRN77 01-23-2011 02:46 PM

Re: The Family Album
me at my friend's going away party/pub crawl. so fun!!

ericlee 01-23-2011 06:12 PM

Re: The Family Album

Originally Posted by camo (Post 1751454)
or some of your music please.

click my sig. Older stuff. Working on new stuff ATM.

Planetary 01-24-2011 05:23 AM

Re: The Family Album

Originally Posted by ericlee (Post 1751465)
click my sig. Older stuff. Working on new stuff ATM.

i think he was making a joke based on your use of the word shit, rather than just saying 'stuff' or 'music'.

camo 01-27-2011 03:57 PM

Re: The Family Album

Freebasser 01-27-2011 04:58 PM

Re: The Family Album

Originally Posted by camo (Post 1751702)


checkyourprez 01-27-2011 06:30 PM

Re: The Family Album

ericlee 01-27-2011 11:50 PM

Re: The Family Album

Originally Posted by Freebasser (Post 1751708)

see, I posted a link of my shit. Cause it is. I'm pretty sure Ty rocks the house, therefore, he plays some good shit. Also, being it's stoner rock, it's heavy shit.

And thanks for the memory, Freeb. Buncha bombs in the air!!

jabumbo 01-30-2011 02:34 PM

Re: The Family Album
the joys of my job the past 3 weeks:

miss soul fire 01-30-2011 05:54 PM

Re: The Family Album
Me and the gayest ex-big brother ever!:D

I'm a penisssss!

Are baba!

The teenager I met there. And hoow cuuute is my dromedary!!!

miss soul fire 01-30-2011 05:59 PM

Re: The Family Album


Pipaaaaa! You gotta meet Pipa! Pipa is a place, not my cousin.

The biggest cachaça barrel of the world.


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