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Mac D 01-11-2005 03:54 PM

A Challenge To Everyone...
all these posts about trying to prove others wrong. we all are entitled to our own opinions and u must realize and respect that no matter how ridculous it seems to you. why can't we all just get along?

100% ILL 01-11-2005 03:59 PM

Re: A Challenge To Everyone...
I agree

Qdrop 01-11-2005 03:59 PM

Re: A Challenge To Everyone...
Because our beliefs and there beliefs cannot live side by side, apparently.

they want christianity everywhere.....and unrestrained in any way.

and i say "over my dead agnostic body".....

Mac D 01-11-2005 04:01 PM

Re: A Challenge To Everyone...
then maybe qdrop it's better to just ignore them, and stop trying to disprove things. ignoring people is way underrated...

Qdrop 01-11-2005 04:03 PM

Re: A Challenge To Everyone...

Originally Posted by Mac D
then maybe qdrop it's better to just ignore them, and stop trying to disprove things. ignoring people is way underrated...




Mac D 01-11-2005 04:05 PM

Re: A Challenge To Everyone...
well thats your opinion and good for you. but i also support Bush, not for religous reasons though.

100% ILL 01-11-2005 04:07 PM

Re: A Challenge To Everyone...
* Q-drop gets all worked up. and starts yelling "Jesus is not real God is phony!"*

Mac D 01-11-2005 04:08 PM

Re: A Challenge To Everyone...

Originally Posted by Mae
But this is a Beastie Boys message board.

You arent going to change any lives on here honey. Go picket the NRA or something.

EXACTLY!!!!!!!!!! people can agrue me all they want, but it's not going to change my mind. they can pull up facts (even though a lot of it is propaganda), it's still not going to change my mind!!! I don't go around trying to change people's opinions, it's pointless, especially in here. it's just a waste of time.

100% ILL 01-11-2005 04:10 PM

Re: A Challenge To Everyone...

Ace42 01-11-2005 04:36 PM

Re: A Challenge To Everyone...

Originally Posted by Mac D
all these posts about trying to prove others wrong. we all are entitled to our own opinions and u must realize and respect that no matter how ridculous it seems to you. why can't we all just get along?

That is absolute drivel of the first order. Firstly, you do not "have to respect everyone's opinions." - I certainly do not respect Hitler's opinions on the whole genocide issue, and I certainly do not think anyone should respect them.

Secondly, there is "true and false" - so acting like we can't say "that's bullshit" to someone believing in a lie is not only unproductive, but actively dangerous. Stupidity kills. It is the ignorance of the US citizenry at large which has resulted in hudnreds of thousands of innocent Iraqis being killed.

Thirdly, as Socrates would point out, opinions are not some untouchable enshrinement of imaginative virtue. Opinions are discrete concepts, and as such as subject to criticism of the most intellectual and scientifically rigorous kind. If an opinion is not consistant with Socratic method, if it is not based on objective fact or sound logical reasoning, the opinion is either wrong, or worthless.

There are no two ways about it. No matter how much you'd like to pat people on the back for being able to type out enough words to actually illicit a comprehensible response, it doesn't mean there is any merit in it whatsoever.

As Socrates DID point out, it is the duty of every member of a democratic society to challenge preconceptions with rigorous and clinical scientific thinking to ensure that all the components of a democracy (all members of the society) are working correctly.

A misinformed ignorant voter is like a cancer cell to a democratic nation. Even if they are a benign tumour, they are unwanted and unnecessary. Shielding these people from criticism is NOT helpful to anyone, not even them.

Yours is an argument for stupidity, and I cannot see how you can make a clever argument for stupidity, even if you were both competent enoguh a debater to do so, and had the inclination.

ASsman 01-11-2005 05:04 PM

Re: A Challenge To Everyone...
You niggers know nothing of respect. The White Knights WILL ride once more!

D_Raay 01-11-2005 05:08 PM

Re: A Challenge To Everyone...

Originally Posted by Ace42
That is absolute drivel of the first order. Firstly, you do not "have to respect everyone's opinions." - I certainly do not respect Hitler's opinions on the whole genocide issue, and I certainly do not think anyone should respect them.

Secondly, there is "true and false" - so acting like we can't say "that's bullshit" to someone believing in a lie is not only unproductive, but actively dangerous. Stupidity kills. It is the ignorance of the US citizenry at large which has resulted in hudnreds of thousands of innocent Iraqis being killed.

Thirdly, as Socrates would point out, opinions are not some untouchable enshrinement of imaginative virtue. Opinions are discrete concepts, and as such as subject to criticism of the most intellectual and scientifically rigorous kind. If an opinion is not consistant with Socratic method, if it is not based on objective fact or sound logical reasoning, the opinion is either wrong, or worthless.

There are no two ways about it. No matter how much you'd like to pat people on the back for being able to type out enough words to actually illicit a comprehensible response, it doesn't mean there is any merit in it whatsoever.

As Socrates DID point out, it is the duty of every member of a democratic society to challenge preconceptions with rigorous and clinical scientific thinking to ensure that all the components of a democracy (all members of the society) are working correctly.

A misinformed ignorant voter is like a cancer cell to a democratic nation. Even if they are a benign tumour, they are unwanted and unnecessary. Shielding these people from criticism is NOT helpful to anyone, not even them.

Yours is an argument for stupidity, and I cannot see how you can make a clever argument for stupidity, even if you were both competent enoguh a debater to do so, and had the inclination.

Thank you Ace, I was just getting ready to respond to the self-righteous moron but you handled it for me.

D_Raay 01-11-2005 05:10 PM

Re: A Challenge To Everyone...

Originally Posted by Qdrop
Because our beliefs and there beliefs cannot live side by side, apparently.

they want christianity everywhere.....and unrestrained in any way.

and i say "over my dead agnostic body".....

Get off that fence Q!!!!

ASsman 01-11-2005 05:11 PM

Re: A Challenge To Everyone...

ms.peachy 01-11-2005 05:13 PM

Re: A Challenge To Everyone...
Oh crikey, how dull would it in this joint if we all just quietly accepted eachother's opinions?

I really don't come expecting anyone to practice the rules of civilised debate. I mean, it's nice when it happens and some interesting discourse gets rolling, but I really don't expect it. Sometimes it's flat out just more fun sitting here imagining some of you getting all het up over some rubbish.

ASsman 01-11-2005 05:18 PM

Re: A Challenge To Everyone...

I wish we lived in the day where you could challenge a person to a duel.
Wait, wait, wait. In my opinion I shouldn't have to respect anyone elses opinion. So shouldn't you repespect my non-opinion-respecting opinion?

Or is it non-respecting opinion. Hahaha, I'm laughing to hard to care.

Whois 01-11-2005 05:39 PM

Re: A Challenge To Everyone...

Originally Posted by D_Raay
Get off that fence Q!!!!

:D (y)

Whois 01-11-2005 05:53 PM

Re: A Challenge To Everyone...
Just for giggles:

Loppfessor 01-11-2005 06:08 PM

Re: A Challenge To Everyone...

Originally Posted by Mac D
all these posts about trying to prove others wrong. we all are entitled to our own opinions and u must realize and respect that no matter how ridculous it seems to you. why can't we all just get along?

I accept your challenge Sir!

*hands out pink flowers to everyone*

*looks at watch*

Fuck That!! This is message board for God's sake arguing with people who disagree with you is half the fun. I don't usually do the political forum too much cus I have a low tolerance for dipshits like Ace and Assman but it's still fun. The world would be a dull place if we all just got along.

ASsman 01-11-2005 06:10 PM

Re: A Challenge To Everyone...
Or is that "politics" is out of you limited range. Or maybe it does't have enough of LOL/LMAO/OMG. Inbred.

Running_Beastie 01-11-2005 06:31 PM

Re: A Challenge To Everyone...
"It starts with the greed, then goes all wrong, that's why we can't all just get along"

Putting Shame in Your Game

Ace42 01-11-2005 07:42 PM

Re: A Challenge To Everyone...

Originally Posted by Loppfessor
cus I have a low tolerance for dipshits like Ace

The only reason you think I am a dipshit is because I totally pulled you on your support of the cold blooded murder of innocent people.

If despising your gross immorality and callous indifference to war crimes make me a "dipshit" then so be it.

Ditto for disregarding the unsubstantiated bullshit you come out with as fact. You are just a pompous little shit who thinks that if he throws enough shit around, some of it will stick.

Everyone except for you is well aware of just what a hypocritical prick you are, so you keep patting yourself on the back, because in the "Loppfessor fan club" you are in a minority of one.

Why not start selling KKK and Swastika bumper-stickers, then you might be able to garner some visible popular support for your unconscienable biggotry.

racer5.0stang 01-11-2005 10:05 PM

Re: A Challenge To Everyone...

Originally Posted by D_Raay
Thank you Ace, I was just getting ready to respond to the self-righteous moron but you handled it for me.

Ace, I didn't know you had a cheer leader.

yeahwho 01-11-2005 10:15 PM

Re: A Challenge To Everyone...

Originally Posted by racer5.0stang
Ace, I didn't know you had a cheer leader.

Jesus is my cheerleader, it gets a little embarrassing during sex, with or without a partner.

Lindsey_1535 01-11-2005 10:17 PM

Re: A Challenge To Everyone...
Conan has those statues on his show!!

racer5.0stang 01-11-2005 10:28 PM

Re: A Challenge To Everyone...

Originally Posted by yeahwho
Jesus is my cheerleader, it gets a little embarrassing during sex, with or without a partner.

Exodus 20:4

Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above.

That is unbelievable, that the Catholics would endorse and encourage someone to break a commandment.

But hey, the Priests are not hitting on much these days.

yeahwho 01-11-2005 10:40 PM

Re: A Challenge To Everyone...

Originally Posted by Lindsey_1535
Conan has those statues on his show!!

That guy cracks me up, plus he's "in" with Robert Smigel, who is IMHO the funniest man on earth at this moment. I wish I could find more time to watch Conan.

FunkyHiFi 01-12-2005 02:44 AM

Re: A Challenge To Everyone...
I'm not sure where this idea that everyone's opinion has 100% equal value but in my and certain other people's minds this is a scary development. For example, who would you trust more to fix your car's brakes: a 17 year old who simply read a book on repairing brakes, or the slightly-wrinkled 40 year old mechanic with scars on his hands & a bad back from bending over cars all day long for a couple of decades?

No disrespect to the young guy but REALITY tells me to ask the older man.

And also, telling people not to argue could be construed to be a form of propaganda itself.

BTW (I found these while skipping around the Net; the boldfacing is mine):


* Whoever loves discipline loves knowledge, but he who hates correction is stupid. -- Proverbs 12:1

* Insight, untested and unsupported, is an insufficient guarantee of truth. -- Bertrand Russell

* Like a house that has vanished, so is wisdom to a fool; and the knowledge of the ignorant is unexamined talk. -- Sirach 21, 18:21 (RSV)

* To know and yet think we do not know is the highest attainment. Not to know and yet think we do is a disease. -- Lao-Tzu

Ace42 01-12-2005 05:38 AM

Re: A Challenge To Everyone...

Originally Posted by racer5.0stang
Ace, I didn't know you had a cheer leader.

What with you saying D_raay is my cheerleader, and Loppfessor saying it is Assman, I am practically ready to turn in my crown as least popular *sensible* poster (that excludes Sisko) on the forum.

SeƱor Stino 01-12-2005 06:33 AM

Re: A Challenge To Everyone...

Originally Posted by racer5.0stang
Exodus 20:4

Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above.

That is unbelievable, that the Catholics would endorse and encourage someone to break a commandment.


you ADDED an 11th commandment Racer ?

pfft, and you said children can understand your vision of religion, well this will confuse their young souls ! they might run off into REAL christianity

oh and btw, what happened to that sisko kid? he's gone ?

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