Old 12-02-2004, 12:46 PM
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Default Interesting... (vote fraud)


Normal garden variety article per the norm lately. But I was stunned to read the user comment below the article. It may be bullshit however no way to prove or disprove it. I will paste the user comment only:

Brad Menfil link

Brad Menfil is not my real name. I work for the RNC. I fear reprisals
if I'm found out.

The truth about this election is this: Florida and Ohio had to go for
Bush in order for him to "win" the election. In reality he lost both
states. In fact, he did not even win the popular vote. He lost the
national popular vote by at least 1,750,000. This shows you the scale
of the fraud.

The exit polls were not wrong. Kerry was the clear winner, but victory
was snatched from him.

Florida first. The 200,000+ margin of victory for Bush made this state
uncontestable. Everybody assumes that even with some fraud, Kerry could
never have made up the difference in a recount. But Kerry actually won
by about 750,000 votes. The numbers were changed by a computer program
(in both electronic and scan-tron voting systems) called "KerryLite."
"KerryLite" of course is not actual name of the program. The actual
name is 11-5-18-18 etc. For additional encryption, the numbers were
jumbled but I'm not sure in which order. The numbers replace the
letters of the alphabet. For example, K is the eleventh letter of the

So the if-then statement goes something like this: "if total true
Kerry>total true Bush, Bush x 1.04x (.04 is a random number)(total true
Kerry), total true Bush". The second part of the equation takes the
total number of votes cast and subtracts the new Bush total, subtracts
the third party totals and leaves the rest for Kerry.

Sometimes the program would also reduce third party votes and award
them to Bush. And even where Bush legitimately won, he was still
awarded additional votes. The big Democratic counties (Broward for
example) went to Kerry because it had to appear that everything was on
the up and up. It's interesting to see this unfold. Does anybody wonder
why the Republican counties were mostly counted after the Democratic
counties? You should wonder, and also know that this was no accident.
The Bush team had to make up the votes as the night went on.

In Ohio, computer voting fraud, vote tossing and voter suppression were
the main methods. Vote tossing was simply the removal of Kerry votes
and some third party votes. In some areas, the Bush vs. Kerry votes
were absurd. Nine to one, eight to two.

Voter suppression took the form of making voters stand in four hour
long lines. This of course took place in Democratic areas. The simplest
thing to do was to have too few voting machines. Sometimes that's all
it takes. People eventually lose patience and leave without casting a

In other states such as New Mexico, Nevada, Iowa and New Hampshire,
Kerry's leads evaporated very quickly once the polls were shut down.
Kerry only won New Hampshire, but barely. As it turned out, the lead
was 6% for Kerry in that state and not enough fraudulent activity took
place to flip the state to Bush.

So this will all come out and be known to everyone. Nothing this
massive can be kept a secret. You're already beginning to see these
"irregularities" and the whisper will become a roar.

Hang in there!

The very existence of flame-throwers proves that some time, somewhere, someone said to themselves, You know, I want to set those people over there on fire, but I'm just not close enough to get the job done.

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Old 12-02-2004, 01:25 PM
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Default Re: Interesting... (vote fraud)

Until its a roar, I won't even believe it.

...is watching the live feed, waiting for the first Chilean miner to reach the surface, wild-eyed and consumed by bloodthirst, as the rescue team unknowingly brings the zombie virus- and it's first 34 carriers- to an unsuspecting world.

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Old 12-02-2004, 01:34 PM
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Default Re: Interesting... (vote fraud)

Meh, nothing to substantiate it. Maybe if he was more specific (voting machine types, counties.. etc.)it could prompt a proper investigation. But it seems he doesn't care enough to start one of his own, Im sure he could gather more information if he tried. If he went down (by million dollar lawyers) he would be a martyr.

"Any dictator would admire the uniformity and obedience of the U.S. media." - Noam Chomsky

Last edited by ASsman : 12-02-2004 at 01:39 PM.
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Old 12-04-2004, 05:06 PM
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Default Re: Interesting... (vote fraud)

Hey look - a post about how GWB or America sucks. How suprising and original.


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Old 12-05-2004, 12:48 AM
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Default Re: Interesting... (vote fraud)

Originally Posted by Paul Nice
Hey look - a post about how GWB or America sucks. How suprising and original.
If it wasn't warranted jackass we wouldn't be posting it.

The very existence of flame-throwers proves that some time, somewhere, someone said to themselves, You know, I want to set those people over there on fire, but I'm just not close enough to get the job done.

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Old 12-05-2004, 07:02 PM
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Default Re: Interesting... (vote fraud)

Meh... face it. America is just the Ukraine with electronic voting.

Originally Posted by Bob View Post
in the hip hop world, we call you a biter, and it's one of the most egregious things a person can do

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Old 12-05-2004, 07:11 PM
CoachKevin CoachKevin is offline
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Default Re: Interesting... (vote fraud)

The differences between the exit polls and the results is simply too great to just dismiss.
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